Monday, March 28, 2011

Police and Dogs- March 28, 2011

Dearest Family of mine,

Last week was Hna. Ochocinski's birthday, so in the morning we went over and cooked pancakes for some Seminary students and then the Neal Family took us out for lunch to celebrate. They're a great family and a lot of fun. Their son is getting ready to go on a mission so we have lessons with him every week to help get him ready. He can now focus on preparing since, while riding a bull, he got his leg stepped on by a bull so he can't walk for 6 weeks. Also, on Monday we went over to a recent convert/member's house and had a surprise party for Ocho, and she was actually surprised! Yea, it worked perfectly and was lots of fun. I've got pictures to show you. Ocho misplaced her (driver’s) license for about a week and a half and so she called the vehicle coordinator and changed it so I'm the designated driver. Then the next day she found her license, but she doesn’t want to drive so I still do.

We knocked on a lot of doors this week, but we live in an area where there are a lot of snow birds who are set in their ways and are cranky and old so they don't want to talk to us. On Friday we had a member come with us to our two appointments in the evening and she was so amazing! She's so funny and has a great testimony of the gospel and was perfect for our first appointment. Then as we were on our way to our second appointmen,t which was in Whitman, we were unable to get to the house since there were a lot of police blocking the way and a black hawk was flying through the air. We think we drove into the middle of a Whitman jail break. We're not very sure, but we called our investigator and she wasn't home so we decided that we should probably leave. Earlier on Friday we were knocking doors and talking to people and we went up this really big hill and then when we were finished talking to the people who lived up there we rode down it and it was a LOT of fun. There's a picture of the hill we rode down. Then on Saturday we had an appointment with this old lady who reminds me of great grandma in her looks, not her personality, so we went over there to see her and her little dog (who is either pregnant or just had puppies) tried to attack me! It tried to bite my leg but didn't break the skin and the lady was busy so we just set up a return appointment and left. Then we came home and helped set up a surprise party for one of the members. Since almost all of our investigators were going to be there we were allowed to go. It was so much fun. Mexicans are so funny. Yesterday we tracted a lot in the afternoon and walked around this really hilly area, and I'm feeling that today. No one wanted to talk to us but it was really random and funny. You just got to make the most out of every moment.

That's pretty much all I've been up to all week. This week went by really fast, and Hna. Ocho is going through that freak out of it being her last transfer. It’s going to be great! She thinks I'll be training next transfer since we've heard that 3 new Hna.s are coming in, but we'll see. I love you all lots and lots!



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