Monday, March 28, 2011

End of Transfers, New Companion Coming Soon- February 7, 2011

Mom, Dad, Mel, Jess, Andra, and Teeters Family,

Well, my Hna. Jensen is gone. She left today around 1:30 and it was sad. Now Hna. Ayala is here with me today and tomorrow until we go to the transfer meeting and then I'll get a new companion. Rumor has it it might be Hna. Urias (i went on exchanges with her) Hna. Ayala is super cool. She was Hna. Jensen's companion before me and she's pretty much one of the coolest sisters here. This Week it was kinda cold in the middle of the week but it’s been warming up. OH. I was going to tell you that last week while i was on exchanges we were at a lesson with a member and it was bad. The member wasn't that great to work with and she just wasn’t' that nice to the investigator in that she didn't respect her beliefs. Most Catholics have a strong belief in the Virgin Mary, as this investigator did and the member told the investigator that her belief in the Virgin Mary was like her believing in a glass cup that was on the table. After the lesson we went outside and when we were in the car we called the investigator and apologized to her and we talked for a while and we got out of the car and she came out of the house and she was alright and still wanted to visit with the sisters.

This week we made Mexican hot dogs and they were so good. It’s a hot dog that has bacon wrapped around it and has been fried up and then you put frijoles, avocado, salsa and all sorts of classic Mexican goodness on it. You all should try it! Mostly though this week has been really crazy and busy with appointment and people cancelling last minute and Hna. Jensen getting ready to go home. We had a few dinner appointments this week from people who wanted to say good bye to Jensen. They were really fun and had some really good food (tinga, and carniasada) Mexicans know how to cook. We also saw a dog fight this week. We were visiting a member’s home and a dog was chillin outside and the moment the sister opened the door her dog ran out and a dog fight started and it took a while to be able to get the dogs apart. Don't worry though, no one was hurt and I think both of the dogs are fine. On Friday we were knocking doors and we started talking to this guy who had some strange views on religion. Here's the quote from that day and it’s from that guy. You’ll see just how odd he is. "To me there’s no difference between the bible and playboy" I do believe that that’s all I have for this week. I'm having fun, and I’ll let you know for sure who my companion is next week (I'm still here in Encanto! That’s a first) I love you all a lot!



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