Monday, March 28, 2011

Letter- March 16, 2011

Dear Mom, Dad, Mel & Andra,

So I’m here in Wickenburg with Hna. Ochocinski and it’s very new and was very sudden. Hna. Urias and I were getting ready to go to a zone activity when President Beck called and told me I was getting transferred a week early. I’m not really sure what happened here, but one of the Sisters had to go home a week early, so I came up here. Wickenburg is nuts! It’s in the middle of nowhere and the town want to be the Old West. I might turn into a cowboy while out here.

So, life before Wickenburg. Last Monday we went to Eduardo’s birthday party at the Diaz family’s house, which was ok since it was an FHE and there was a spiritual thought. On Tuesday we had a zone conference and interviews with President Beck. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. Wednesday we had some fantastic lessons with investigators thanks to the help of some neighbors. I love the members in Encanto! Thursday we were inside a lot since we had weekly planning and then we had correlation meeting. After correlation we got a ride up to the Solano area because we had exchanges. I was up there again, this time with Hna. Kinz, and the baby (greenie) was down here with Hna. Urias (the baby’s name is Hna. Brown). It was lots of fun and we visited some people that I’d met the last time I was up there. Saturday was good, we went around finding referrals and talking to people. We tracted into an active member of our Ward that we didn’t know. She works with the Sunbeams so we’d never gotten to meet her before.

On Sunday we had church like always and then we found out that there was a new family that just moved into our area. So we went over to their house and helped them unpack. They’re conversion story is amazing and they’re just a wonderful family.

So this next Tuesday I’ll be getting a new companion because Hna. Ochocinski is going to be transferred, so I’ll let you know who that is when I figure that out. Enough of my crazy stories. How are ya’ll doing? Has the weather calmed down yet? It’s been in the 80’s and 90’s this week, so the heat has started. How’s Spring Break? I love you all so much!



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