Monday, March 28, 2011

Baptismo Numero Dos- March 7, 2011

My darling Family,

This week has been pretty exciting. Last Monday after p-day was over with We went over to a lady's house and helped her move some stuff and then we had an awesome lesson with a new investigator, Deletzty. She had a lot of questions since we stared with the Plan of salvation because we were teaching her brother before and that's the lesson he was on. Then we went and had a family home evening with a part member family and we invited a family of members. We had a short lesson and then we played a game that's like do you love your neighbor. So much fun and it helped our investigators open up. On Wednesday we had a specialized training which was all about the book of Mormon since we had just finished reading it in 60 days. It was an incredible experience reading the book of Mormon in 60 days. I was able to understand the timeline better and learned a lot about it, and i loved hearing the experiences that other people had too while reading it. We got a ride from the other sisters in our zone, so that made riding up to the Transfer chapel more fun. On Friday as we were riding home for lunch Hna. Urias fell. It’s actually a pretty funny story. The sprinklers had been on in the park so there were some puddles on the sidewalk so we were playing with them and zig zagging and she went around a puddle and went onto the grass, and at that part the ground was an inch or two lower than the sidewalk so when she turned to get back onto the sidewalk her bike tipped over and she didn’t' have time to jump off. She put her hands out to break her fall but she landed in another puddle and so she hit her head and then her mouth and got a really big bruise on her leg and a fat lip. I was worried since she fell and so i asked how she was. She said "Bad. I need a picture." So i took a picture of her right after she fell. Also on Saturday night we had some bicycle stories. We were riding home since it was about 9pm and I was going across a street and as I got there there was a guy riding his bike without lights and wearing dark clothes so i swerved so i wouldn't hit him, jumped the curb and went into the street, but no cars were coming. Hna. Urias was behind me and had no clue why i went into the street and so she was confused and worried and started yelling to me when she saw the man on the bike who was also yelling so she had to swerve to not hit him and jumped off her bike because it started to fall and it fell into the street. So funny! I love adventures. Then a little later there were some people walking on the side walk and so i slowed down and was going to say excuse me but they saw my light on the ground and were so scared. One lady jumped and screamed and Hna. Urias started laughing. Bikes are so much fun. Also on Saturday we had a baptism! Reyna Pacillas was baptized and it was great.

The hill where they were riding.

Andra- I have a favor to ask of you. In your room on my green white board there should be an address for BYU Admissions on there. Could you email that to me? I need to tell BYU when I'm planning on coming back.

Mom- I love you best! Could you possible compile some awesomely good recipes and some simple recipes and email them to me so i can print them and have them so we can have some home made good meals. I only know how to make turkey divan and lasagna and they're good but not all the time.

Dad- I love you best! What in the world is a road show? Your message was also cryptic in that aspect.

I love you all very dearly and will write to you next week.



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