Monday, March 28, 2011

Exchanges- January 31, 2011

Darling Family and Friends,

As I was saying in my last email, we had exchanges on Tuesday so on Monday night I packed some things up and Hna. Kunz and Hna. Urias came down to do the switch. Hna. Kunz stayed in Encanto and I went up to Salano with Hna. Urias. It was a lot of fun. We didn't leave Encanto until kinda late, and the AP's called to see why we weren’t' in the apartment yet. Then, I had to drive since Hna. Urias doesn't have a license and I was stopped at a train crossing when her zone leaders call. She immediately told them, "We’re on our way. But there’s a train" They were so confused because they didn't even know that we were on exchanges. It was a good exchange day. We rode around to some appointments that they had and we met some interesting people. There was one guy who asked me where the gold "tablets" are now, talking about the gold plates. That night I drove the car around and then when we came back Hna. Jensen was there. She had gotten a ride from a member (because we don't have that many miles on our car) We rode home and then the member bought us each a doughnut and it was really scrumptious. On Friday night Yadira, a member, came with us to some lessons (we had some really good ones) and afterward she gave both of us a valentine little box of chocolates. It was so cute and nice, and we both just thought, oh this is the only valentine I'm going to get this year. I keep telling Hna. Jensen, though, that I'm going to mail her a package for Valentine’s Day and I keep telling her things I'm going to put in it. If she sees something that she likes I tell her that I'm going to get it for her for Valentine’s Day. Only two problems with that though, I have no money and I have no clue where the post office is in our area. On Saturday we were riding around trying to teach some lessons and we had leaned our bikes up against a house and weren't even on them when all of a sudden Hna. Jensen's bike tire just deflates superfast. Apparently the tire had a hole. At least we were close to the church building and had a key so we put our bikes in there and had the elders who have a truck come pick them up while we ate dinner with a member. Luckily we had scheduled a member to come with us that night so we were good without our bikes. The problem came when we had to go to leave our appointment because the member's car broke down, so he was hammering away for about 30 minutes, but he was able to fix it. We had trouble going to church the next day seeing as we only had 10 miles left for the month. We drove to PEC but then we had a member pick us up for church and they picked up one of our investigators. It was fantastic to see our investigator at church. Hna. Jensen had to give a 20 min talk in sacrament meeting on goals and it was really good. Sunday evening we went to the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center with two of our investigators and watched Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration. It was great, and i loved walking around the temple and seeing where mom and dad got married! I took a picture of the front doors because that's the picture that I've seen of mom and dad coming out of the temple at those doors (does that sentence even make sense?) And then today we had a zone activity were we played Death Ball! It’s like dodge ball, but you only have one ball and its every one for themselves. If you get people out and then you get out, all of the people that you've gotten out get to go back in. It was a long game but lots of fun. Afterward we went outside and played soccer, which was also very nice. Everybody won! Other than all of that, it’s just been a chill week. Lots of contacting, lessons and missionary stuff. We've had a few really good lessons this week and I love it when we do. This week is Hna. Jensen's last week in the mission, and that means that next Tuesday (because we have our transfer meeting on Tuesdays) I'll have a new companion! So, in two weeks I'll let you know who that is, and if I'm still in Encanto. Alright, I love you all and will talk to you next week!



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