Monday, March 28, 2011

Mucho Frio!- January 3, 2011

Good day everyone! I'm here in Arizona and having a wonderful time! The first day we had really nice weather, and then it turned cold. It’s been crazy interesting. Hna. Jensen is my companion and she is really good and I love her to death. She knows the gospel really well and Spanish and she just totally nice (she's the one standing next to me in the picture of the Spanish speaking sisters, but the white girl, not the Mexican) The first day we had a meeting with the RS presidency to tell them a bit more about the ward mission plan and then we met with some less active members. On Tuesday it was cold and rainy and we were on our bikes (every area here is a biking area but it can be only biking, bike and bus, or bike and car. we have a bike and car.) for a few hours because we have a very limited number of miles for our car. We got pretty cold and everything was flooding because they're not used to rain, so we went back to our apartment and had some hot chocolate and tea to warm up and then went back out but in the car. The last few days have been pretty cold but I’ve had my sweaters and my sweatshirt. We went to the store one day to get some food for me and see if we could find a jacket, but all of them were either not that warm or just really ugly, but I’ve been totally fine. Hna. Jensen is really nice and lets me use one of her jackets and scarfs and I bought some gloves. Plus we're really into layering right now. On New Year’s Eve all missionaries in this area had to be in by 6, so it was a long night but we caught up on some journal writing and ate a good dinner. On New Year’s Day we were only allowed to go out if we had an appointment, which we luckily did, but only two and they both fell through. But we talked to everyone who was on the street and met some nice people that way. We also met a drunk guy at a bus stop, a guy who told us the Catholic Church is exactly like the Italian mafia, and someone who called us babes on bikes and told us not to get helmet hair. OH, also something crazy is that some of the elders and sisters from my zone in the MTC are in this mission! How random is that. But Elder Ochoa is not. He is now in the Farmington, NM mission. Sunday was really good. Church is at 1 and all in Spanish (there are a lot of Spanish speakers here, so I’m trying hard to remember all the Spanish i learned) We had an amazing lesson with an investigator, Maria, and the spirit was so strong during the lesson. Hna. Jensen invited her to be baptized on Feb. 5 and she said yes!

Today we've been running around and having fun. In this mission we only have district or zones get together on p-days once a transfer, and i was all, that’s really weird to me. So we went and played soccer with our district and it was really fun. Then we've been shopping and we get to write whenever we have time, which was at the end of the day for us today. This week has been really amazing and I’m feeling really good about the mission. The areas fantastic and the people are so sweet.

I love you all,
Hna. Wells

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