Monday, March 28, 2011

Wickenburg Week One and Transfers- March 21, 2011

Hermana Wells points at a scupture of a rattlesnake.
(Really freaked Mom out.)
Hello Family,

I'll start off with what all of you want to know. We received a phone call today from our district leader and he told us that neither of us has transfers! So that means that I get to stay here in Wickenburg with Hna. Ochocinski for another 6 weeks and then she'll be done with her mission. Crazy, I'm going to kill another one of my companions. The crazy thing is that we've talked to some of the other Hermanas (there's only 10 of us) and none of us are getting transferred but at least one of them is getting a baby. We think one or two new Hna. are coming in, but we're not sure since only one set of Hnas. have said they're going to transfer meeting.

So Wickenburg is REALLY BIG! It’s crazy huge and crazy into cowboys and the West. So I've just been trying to get to know the area and get to know the people here. We live in the basement of the Stake President's house and we go to an English [speaking] Ward that has it translated into Spanish for our small number of Spanish members. We're working with the area and our goal is to someday soonish to be able to have a Spanish branch up here. So we teach both in English and in Spanish which is something new for me. I'm glad I was in Encanto first so that I got a better base for my Spanish because it’s going to not be used so much up here. We had a wedding and then a baptism this last Saturday which was a lot of fun. Nothing super exciting to report on. We drive a truck and we need it since we go on some dirt roads and it takes us an hour to get to district meeting in Surprise. But this area will grow on me and someday I'll turn into a cowgirl down here. Don't be surprised if I start wearing cowboy boots, a hat and a big belt buckle. I love you all so much!



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