Saturday, April 16, 2011

11 April 2011

Dear Family,

I'm so very grateful to have received your emails. Ok, I'll review the week and then talk about y'alls messages. Monday- We changed things up and had our proselyting time in the middle of the day since we had had some appointments but then as both of them canceled but it worked out perfectly since the best time to knock doors in this area is between 2-5 so we were able to do that and then no have to go knock doors during creepy hour (8 pm, worst time EVER to not have an appointment and have nothing else to do) So that was great. Tuesday- We had coordination in the morning and then we had language study. I'm trying to memorize a million words before zone conference this week in order to finish the first page of our APM study guide, complete the goal that i set with President Beck and receive my APM pin. So I've been working on 177 Spanish words to memorizes (those are just the ones i don't know yet) and D&C 4 in Spanish. We visited Juana who is a recent convert and had surgery a few weeks ago, so she's just in the house all day. We explained the different priesthood things (priest, teacher, seventy...whats that called again?) and she really wants us to be able to meet with her husband and son and explain it to them since they just received the priesthood. Then we were in Wittman and were quilting. I cut fabric again but tomorrow I get to start a quilt! Wednesday- We had District meeting in the morning and then ate at Subway (its sort of a district tradition) but next week we're super excited since we're having district meeting up here in Wickenburg instead of in Surprise! We're going to take them to Filiberto's which is an awesome Mexican fast food restaurant and is so very good! After lunch we drove to the Mission Office and picked up a large print copy of the book of Mormon for Melvin, who's 83 and had trouble seeing small print. We then had some really great lessons and then ended the day with some studies. Thursday- We weekly planned< knocked doors all day and then ended the day with a fantastic lesson with Dawn and a member! The members here are if only they could speak Spanish. Friday- We knocked some doors, and then had a great lesson with Susan who is just coming back to church and recently stoped smoking !!! We're so excited, shes going to go to the temple soon and do baptisms for the dead and she is so very excited and had such a respect and awe for it. I grew up knowing that when I turned 12 I would be able to do that and it wasn't that big of a deal to me but seeing her having this tremendous joy to be able to go and do that for the first time in her life (she's 53) just makes me realize how great of a blessing it is. Saturday- We went over to an investigators house and helped her paint some rooms in her someday house. They bought and old abandonment house and are fixing it up, so we helped cover up the graffiti with white primer and it was loads of fun. In the evening a member was throwing a house warming party and we were invited so we went to that and there were quite a few of our investigators there so it was a great opportunity to talk with them and get to know them more. Sunday- We went to church and then went to see our ward mission leader's wife since she just had a little baby boy this week. He's so very cute! Then we finally met with our investigator Levi who Hna. Ocho hadn't seen since Feb. He's a very hard man to get a hold of. We talked with him and he said he's wants to be baptized and has a goal of the end of July / August. Longest baptismal commitment I've ever had. But after he's baptized he'll get married to Vicky, who's a member he's been dating for a long time but isn't married to yet since she doesn't marry non-Mormon boys. They're such a cute couple. Levi looks kind of like Billy Idol and David Bowie combined. We met with Dawn in the evening and she wants to be baptized! She's preparing for the 30th of April, which would be just wonderful since Hna. Ocho leaves for home on the 2 of May. Today we had a Zone activity in the morning and we played volleyball and my team got in second place! We were undefeated until the finals and were against a team that we had beat the very first round, but they beat us twice in a row so they one. Then we bought groceries in Surprise since they're cheaper down there and on the way home I picked up a birthday present for Marie since her Birthday is coming up this weekend. Oh, So on Wednesday we have a Zone Conference which I'm really excited about and then on Saturday we're going to go to Mesa with our Mexican investigators and see the Easter Pageant in Spanish. I'm stoked! That's why this week is going to be amazing. I'll tell you more about that next week.

I'm morning the lose of our dear friend Lady Winifred, Duchess of Katz. She was the best Duchess of Katz I've ever known. She shall be missed.

I love you all so very much and miss you tons! Love, Brea

P.S. sorry, but i didn't take any pictures this week. I'll try harder for next week. But I will leave you with an awesome picture I took of the Mesa Temple.

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