Monday, March 28, 2011

Workin’ Hard- February 28, 2011

Dear one and all,

How have you been? Really?! You've told me that there was an ice storm last week, that sucks! It was kinda cold here last week. It got down to the 40's or so...i think. This week we've been on our bikes the whole time, except when we have a member with us. We've been really busy and running around all week, but it’s been successful. We're having a baptism this next Saturday and I'm super excited about it. Her name is Reyna and she's a young single mother who really wants to change and to repent. We're also teaching a 10 year old who is in a part member family. Did you know it’s really hard to teach a little kid about the gospel in a one on one (or two, if you're a missionary) setting. It’s even harder when they're kinda shy at first. Oh well, he wants to learn about it, and the great things is that as we've been going over there and meeting with him, his older sister has gotten interested and wants to learn about the gospel now too. We've just been really blessed to have had a lot of really good lessons this week. About a week or two ago I got a strange letter from a Robert Jacobs (is he in our ward?) and all it was a poem and then he signed it, no return address. It was really strange.

So our mission goal is to contact 140 people every week. We've been working on getting that goal and by doing so we talk to a lot of strange people. Yesterday we talked to some gang members, and earlier in the week we talked to an old man who was telling us about someone named Jeff who claims to be Mormon and has a bunch of wives and is giving us a bad rep. We also helped an old lady with her groceries and now we're going to meet with her and talk about the gospel. Service really helps to open people up a bit. Que mas? That’s all i can think of for now. I'm going to try and send you some pictures. I love you all dearly!



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