Monday, March 28, 2011

Surprise! Wickenburg- March 14, 2011

Dear Family,

I have to be quick today because it’s already after 6 and we have an appointment sometime. I'm not really sure because I had emergency transfers today! One of the Sisters had to go home a week earlier than planned, so I was moved up here to Wickenburg, the most north area for the sisters, and Hna. Urias stayed in Encanto and Hna. Ayala came up there to be with her. I'm not so sure how long I'll be up here, if it’s just for this week or if this is my new area, but Hna. Ochocinski is my new companion. She was in the MTC at the same time as me and she was in a zone around the corner from me so I know of her. Wickenburg is a crazy small town but a huge missionary area and it’s the wild, wild West. I'll tell you more next week because we have an appointment to get to. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I wanted to write so you know that I’m fine.



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