Monday, March 28, 2011

A Day Late and an Hour Early- February 22, 2011

Family! So, the subject line of this email. I'm writing you a day late since yesterday was Presidents day, but the funny thing is we got here to the library an hour before they open but the guy here said that we could use the computers since we're emailing our family and he kinda understands because we've talked to him about what missionaries do a little bit. Last week on Tuesday we had specialized training and it was so nice. It was in our chapel and we learned about having the faith to find and using windows of heaven to find people and getting members involved. It was fantastic. We got to see the other sisters in our zone and they're wonderful. You all still know that Hna. Urias is my companion, right? I would send you pictures, but i forgot my camera cord in Michigan, but I've asked Mel to mail me a few things (or whoever wants to really) and that's one of the things I've asked for since then I'd be able to email you photos right after they've been taken and then i wouldn't have to pay to print them off and mail them to you. Oh, I did write to you yesterday, but it’s being sent snail mail and won't get there for a few days. But i did keep mission rule and write to my mom on p-day. I got your Valentine's Day package last Tuesday and it was fantastic! Hna. Urias loves her socks and I love the earring. And I do wear them sometimes. They're mission appropriate. We're supposed to wear color and jewelry, just not stuff that's super crazy. We've been missing Hna. Jensen like crazy, so the other day we sent her a small package just to say we love her and miss her and for Valentine’s day since i kept telling her I'd give her a waffle maker that makes heart shaped waffles for V-day. Only problem was a waffle maker wouldn't have fit in the package, so i sent her some other things I'd jokingly said I'd get her. I was a little sick this week. I've had "la gripa" or in English, the common cold but i think it sounds more menacing in Spanish. It wasn't that bad, I just slept a little more and Hna. Urias kept trying to tell me I was sick and I'd tell her I wasn't. We went out late one day so I could rest and yesterday I was feeling like my regular self. Only now Hna. Urias is a little tired. It was only a matter of time til we got sick, seeing as almost everyone we talk with was sick. But we're still praying that we don't get bedbugs since a couple of different families that we know have them. We've been blessed so far.

Oh, funny story for y'all. We were on our way to an appointment on Sunday and we were talking with everyone we met and this one guy that we talked to was hilarious! He was telling us that Joseph Smith is buried under the pyramids and he knows since it was on YouTube. and then as we were talking to him our cell phone rang so Hna. Urias checked who was calling and silenced it and he was sorta shocked and was like "what! You’re allowed to have cell phones?! I thought you couldn't have those or watch TV or anything like that" So we told him that we could use cell phones and watch TV and be normal people. He was slightly flabbergasted. It was just so funny.

Anyway, what have you all been up to? I've missed you a little bit but not that much. I'm too busy. Happy Anniversary Parents! Woohoo! You two are amazing. What else have you all been up to? I love you so very much!



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