Monday, March 28, 2011

Long Week But Really Good- January 19, 2011

Hello All, Don't worry, I'm still alive! This last Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and we write our emails at the local library which is not open on Holidays, so we couldn't come on Monday. And then on Tuesday we had Zone conference in the morning and some appointments in the evening / afternoon, so we had to wait until today when they're open. Zone conference was fantastic! Hna. Jensen and I had to go early to go to a trainer trainee meeting and they split us up into trainers and trainees so we could talk about our challenges and figure out how to take care of things and all that since your expectations almost never are the same as what you get. Some of the Elders had quite a few problems with their companions, and the AP's (they were conducting the meeting) tried to get me to ask a question or something but I didn't have that much to say since Hna. Jensen is fantastic and I knew exactly what to expect. Also, I saw Elder Waynick at the zone conference which was super funny to me. We also got new phones at ZC, so we no longer have a giant brick but we have the phone that I used to have. The conference focused a lot on planning and companionship inventory. We were given a sheet of paper to write down things that were going well, things that needed work and a plan on how to fix things. It was really good, and made me realize that Comp Inventory isn't just for when things are going wrong, but it’s there to help strengthen relationships, and there’s always something that you can be doing better. President Beck and his wife did a comp inventory for us (live) and it was great.

On Saturday we had a baptism and it went really well. Eduardo was baptized and three of the Elder's investigators. President and Sister Beck were there, and Hna. Jensen and I taught the first lesson (in Spanish) while people were changing. It was kind of nerve wrecking but it went really well.

At district meeting this week we were told that we're to go on the computer twice a week now. once to write to family, and the other time to check out and so that we can talk to people about it and actually know what we're talking about.

P-day was a lot of fun this week (except I didn't get to email you!) We went to the church and played soccer with some of the members and it was a lot of fun! I know that I'm not good at soccer, but at least I’m trying now, so I’m improving. Also, we finished P-day early and went to a member’s house for dinner which was fantastic. It was one of her son's birthdays so we had pizza and cake and sang happy birthday and shared a message and it was just overall fun. We've been doing a lot of contacting and having quite a few lessons so the work has been going really well. Oh, FYI P-days can be switched up if need be. Like if we're going to be going to the temple one day, we can switch our p-day to a more convenient day for that. So, don’t' freak out if I don't email you, we might have changed our p-day or there was a holiday or all computers in the world stopped working. But I will email you every time that I get on my email page. I love you and will write you next week. You're the best!



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