Monday, March 28, 2011

Enchilada Monday- January 24, 2011

So I'm writing a bit late today because Hna. Jensen and I went over to a member's house and were learning how to make enchiladas, but we're going to eat them after we email because it’s getting late! It doesn't help that I left my planner in the apartment and that’s where I write reminders of what to tell you all. I'll try to remember. We had zone conference (which I told you a bit about) on Tuesday and I saw E' Waynick. We also got new music rules. We're only allowed to listen to MoTab, hymns, and songs from the children's handbook. No longer allowed to listen to EFY CD's. It doesn’t matter though; we listen to the Mission Pres. and get blessings. On Thursday I took a defensive driver test at the mission office to make sure I’d be able to drive this Tuesday (we're having exchanges, so I’m getting switched to a new area for tomorrow and then switched back and the other Hna. can't drive because she's from a different country and doesn't have a license) Since I had some tickets I had to take the test and I got 100%! I was the first person ever to get 100% on the test before, so I’m going to be a fantastic driver now. On Friday night we were dropped off at the church after a lesson with a member since our bikes were at the church building and we ran inside to use the bathroom before we biked home. Well, there was a scorpion in the bathroom which kinda freaked us out, but the stake president was there and we told him and he came in and killed it. On Saturday some of the elders in our ward (there’s 7 of us total, and we're one district in our zone) had a baptism so we went to that and helped out. One of the sisters had to be baptized 4 times because her arm kept sticking up out of the water. haha. On Sunday it was really windy but we rode our bikes to church anyway since we try not to use very many miles and it was super difficult! The wind was blowing really hard and I was just glad that I was wearing some shorts under my skirt. Today we were running around getting everything done, but that’s what happens on P-day. It’s not a day of rest, but a day to prepare, so that means is just about as busy as every other day, if not more so! We've been teaching a lot of lessons and doing a lot of contacting and it’s going really well. Hna. Jensen goes home at the end of this transfer (Feb. 8) and normally I don't like the "greeny" "trunky" combo but she's not trunky at all. She just likes to work and I love it! Ok, I’ve got to go because we've got a busy night planned, eating enchiladas, a giant FHE (again) and a lesson. I love you all so much.



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