Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Week to Work in Phoenix- January 10, 2011

Hey family that I love,

This second week in phoenix has been pretty busy, but some days it’s just chill and full of fun bike rides. I've been getting to know the area a bit more this week and sometimes I know where i am instead of just following Hna. Jensen around. Hna. Jensen by the way is fantastic. She's been lending me some of her warm clothes and she's really nice and a hard worker. She's just fantastic. We've been working really hard this week, but it doesn't seem like super hard work sometimes. We ride out bikes a lot so it just seems like we're out having fun on a bike ride and as we go we stop and talk to everyone we see (well, sometime not EVERY one, if they're a big group of guys out drinking) We went over to a members house (Diaz Family) for FHE on Monday and it was a lot of fun. We stopped by an investigators house (Maria) before hand and invited her but she said she wouldn't be able to make it. Well, we went back over to the member's house and started teaching a lesson to Eduardo (he's an awesome investigator who is going to be baptized this Saturday!) and part way through the lesson Maria and her friend knocked on the door. After we had left they had stopped what they were doing and came over to the FHE. They're fantastic people.

This week on the 6th was the Day of the Kings, and we happened to have a dinner appointment that day at the Diaz's house and they had the cake of kings and it was pretty good. Inside of this giant donut shaped cake are a few plastic dolls, and if you get a piece of cake with a doll in it then you have to throw a party, so every person has to cut their own piece of cake. Hna. Jensen and I didn't get a little doll in our cake, but it was funny to see when people did.

The weather has been getting a bit better, but it still can't decide if it wants to be warm or cold. It’s cool at night and a couple of times it rained. One night we were contacting in the park and it started hailing a little bit. We were going to just stand under a tree but we went over to a member's house that we had gone to one day when it had been raining real hard. They're nice people. Oh, just so you know, this library opens at 2 and p-day ends at 6, so that’s the times when I’ll be able to email you. But I think that that’s all for me. I love you! Oh, mom thanks for forwarding Hna. Stouts letter to me!
Love, Brea

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