Monday, March 28, 2011

And My New Companion is….. - February 14, 2011

Hey Y'all, I know you've been dying to know who my new companion is so I’ll just get to it. Hermana Urias is my companion and we're here in Encanto North (the same place that I’ve been) Hna Jensen left on Monday and on Tuesday i went to the transfer meeting and i got Hna. Urias. She's Mexican and Spanish is her first language and she's learning English, so as you might assume, yes we do speak a lot of Spanish together. Pretty much we've just been keeping super busy talking to people, knocking on doors, teaching lessons and all that good missionary stuff. Yesterday was super fun. We biked to church and on the way we contacted a negrito (in English, a black guy) and he was so funny. He said we were looking really good and that he had read the Book of Mormon in jail. He then asked us as we were leaving "If I come to church for a year, can I marry you?" I told him maybe, and biked away. After church we went over to a less active members house who is from El Salvador (!which is awesome!) and she showed us how to make pupusas, so now I’m an expert. Then we ate some and some tamales, and they were just as good as i had remembered them. There’s not much else that really happened this week. We're teaching an awesome young woman named Reyna. She's 21, has 2 kids and has a baptismal date for the 5th of March! One of our investigators randomly went to Los Angeles and doesn't know when she'll be coming back. We finally have a follow up appointment with an awesome family that Hna. Jensen and I found on New Year’s Eve and then taught later that week. We have a fantastic couple, Mari and Abraham, that Hna Jensen found in her area before she came to Encanto, and they love learning about the gospel and love talking to us and we love them so much. They just need to come to church. They want to be baptized; they just haven't been to church yet. So, other than all that, this week has been busy which means it's been really good too. I love you all, Happy Valentine's Day!



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