Monday, March 28, 2011

Police and Dogs- March 28, 2011

Dearest Family of mine,

Last week was Hna. Ochocinski's birthday, so in the morning we went over and cooked pancakes for some Seminary students and then the Neal Family took us out for lunch to celebrate. They're a great family and a lot of fun. Their son is getting ready to go on a mission so we have lessons with him every week to help get him ready. He can now focus on preparing since, while riding a bull, he got his leg stepped on by a bull so he can't walk for 6 weeks. Also, on Monday we went over to a recent convert/member's house and had a surprise party for Ocho, and she was actually surprised! Yea, it worked perfectly and was lots of fun. I've got pictures to show you. Ocho misplaced her (driver’s) license for about a week and a half and so she called the vehicle coordinator and changed it so I'm the designated driver. Then the next day she found her license, but she doesn’t want to drive so I still do.

We knocked on a lot of doors this week, but we live in an area where there are a lot of snow birds who are set in their ways and are cranky and old so they don't want to talk to us. On Friday we had a member come with us to our two appointments in the evening and she was so amazing! She's so funny and has a great testimony of the gospel and was perfect for our first appointment. Then as we were on our way to our second appointmen,t which was in Whitman, we were unable to get to the house since there were a lot of police blocking the way and a black hawk was flying through the air. We think we drove into the middle of a Whitman jail break. We're not very sure, but we called our investigator and she wasn't home so we decided that we should probably leave. Earlier on Friday we were knocking doors and talking to people and we went up this really big hill and then when we were finished talking to the people who lived up there we rode down it and it was a LOT of fun. There's a picture of the hill we rode down. Then on Saturday we had an appointment with this old lady who reminds me of great grandma in her looks, not her personality, so we went over there to see her and her little dog (who is either pregnant or just had puppies) tried to attack me! It tried to bite my leg but didn't break the skin and the lady was busy so we just set up a return appointment and left. Then we came home and helped set up a surprise party for one of the members. Since almost all of our investigators were going to be there we were allowed to go. It was so much fun. Mexicans are so funny. Yesterday we tracted a lot in the afternoon and walked around this really hilly area, and I'm feeling that today. No one wanted to talk to us but it was really random and funny. You just got to make the most out of every moment.

That's pretty much all I've been up to all week. This week went by really fast, and Hna. Ocho is going through that freak out of it being her last transfer. It’s going to be great! She thinks I'll be training next transfer since we've heard that 3 new Hna.s are coming in, but we'll see. I love you all lots and lots!



Wickenburg Week One and Transfers- March 21, 2011

Hermana Wells points at a scupture of a rattlesnake.
(Really freaked Mom out.)
Hello Family,

I'll start off with what all of you want to know. We received a phone call today from our district leader and he told us that neither of us has transfers! So that means that I get to stay here in Wickenburg with Hna. Ochocinski for another 6 weeks and then she'll be done with her mission. Crazy, I'm going to kill another one of my companions. The crazy thing is that we've talked to some of the other Hermanas (there's only 10 of us) and none of us are getting transferred but at least one of them is getting a baby. We think one or two new Hna. are coming in, but we're not sure since only one set of Hnas. have said they're going to transfer meeting.

So Wickenburg is REALLY BIG! It’s crazy huge and crazy into cowboys and the West. So I've just been trying to get to know the area and get to know the people here. We live in the basement of the Stake President's house and we go to an English [speaking] Ward that has it translated into Spanish for our small number of Spanish members. We're working with the area and our goal is to someday soonish to be able to have a Spanish branch up here. So we teach both in English and in Spanish which is something new for me. I'm glad I was in Encanto first so that I got a better base for my Spanish because it’s going to not be used so much up here. We had a wedding and then a baptism this last Saturday which was a lot of fun. Nothing super exciting to report on. We drive a truck and we need it since we go on some dirt roads and it takes us an hour to get to district meeting in Surprise. But this area will grow on me and someday I'll turn into a cowgirl down here. Don't be surprised if I start wearing cowboy boots, a hat and a big belt buckle. I love you all so much!



Letter- March 16, 2011

Dear Mom, Dad, Mel & Andra,

So I’m here in Wickenburg with Hna. Ochocinski and it’s very new and was very sudden. Hna. Urias and I were getting ready to go to a zone activity when President Beck called and told me I was getting transferred a week early. I’m not really sure what happened here, but one of the Sisters had to go home a week early, so I came up here. Wickenburg is nuts! It’s in the middle of nowhere and the town want to be the Old West. I might turn into a cowboy while out here.

So, life before Wickenburg. Last Monday we went to Eduardo’s birthday party at the Diaz family’s house, which was ok since it was an FHE and there was a spiritual thought. On Tuesday we had a zone conference and interviews with President Beck. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. Wednesday we had some fantastic lessons with investigators thanks to the help of some neighbors. I love the members in Encanto! Thursday we were inside a lot since we had weekly planning and then we had correlation meeting. After correlation we got a ride up to the Solano area because we had exchanges. I was up there again, this time with Hna. Kinz, and the baby (greenie) was down here with Hna. Urias (the baby’s name is Hna. Brown). It was lots of fun and we visited some people that I’d met the last time I was up there. Saturday was good, we went around finding referrals and talking to people. We tracted into an active member of our Ward that we didn’t know. She works with the Sunbeams so we’d never gotten to meet her before.

On Sunday we had church like always and then we found out that there was a new family that just moved into our area. So we went over to their house and helped them unpack. They’re conversion story is amazing and they’re just a wonderful family.

So this next Tuesday I’ll be getting a new companion because Hna. Ochocinski is going to be transferred, so I’ll let you know who that is when I figure that out. Enough of my crazy stories. How are ya’ll doing? Has the weather calmed down yet? It’s been in the 80’s and 90’s this week, so the heat has started. How’s Spring Break? I love you all so much!



Baptismo Numero Dos- March 7, 2011

My darling Family,

This week has been pretty exciting. Last Monday after p-day was over with We went over to a lady's house and helped her move some stuff and then we had an awesome lesson with a new investigator, Deletzty. She had a lot of questions since we stared with the Plan of salvation because we were teaching her brother before and that's the lesson he was on. Then we went and had a family home evening with a part member family and we invited a family of members. We had a short lesson and then we played a game that's like do you love your neighbor. So much fun and it helped our investigators open up. On Wednesday we had a specialized training which was all about the book of Mormon since we had just finished reading it in 60 days. It was an incredible experience reading the book of Mormon in 60 days. I was able to understand the timeline better and learned a lot about it, and i loved hearing the experiences that other people had too while reading it. We got a ride from the other sisters in our zone, so that made riding up to the Transfer chapel more fun. On Friday as we were riding home for lunch Hna. Urias fell. It’s actually a pretty funny story. The sprinklers had been on in the park so there were some puddles on the sidewalk so we were playing with them and zig zagging and she went around a puddle and went onto the grass, and at that part the ground was an inch or two lower than the sidewalk so when she turned to get back onto the sidewalk her bike tipped over and she didn’t' have time to jump off. She put her hands out to break her fall but she landed in another puddle and so she hit her head and then her mouth and got a really big bruise on her leg and a fat lip. I was worried since she fell and so i asked how she was. She said "Bad. I need a picture." So i took a picture of her right after she fell. Also on Saturday night we had some bicycle stories. We were riding home since it was about 9pm and I was going across a street and as I got there there was a guy riding his bike without lights and wearing dark clothes so i swerved so i wouldn't hit him, jumped the curb and went into the street, but no cars were coming. Hna. Urias was behind me and had no clue why i went into the street and so she was confused and worried and started yelling to me when she saw the man on the bike who was also yelling so she had to swerve to not hit him and jumped off her bike because it started to fall and it fell into the street. So funny! I love adventures. Then a little later there were some people walking on the side walk and so i slowed down and was going to say excuse me but they saw my light on the ground and were so scared. One lady jumped and screamed and Hna. Urias started laughing. Bikes are so much fun. Also on Saturday we had a baptism! Reyna Pacillas was baptized and it was great.

The hill where they were riding.

Andra- I have a favor to ask of you. In your room on my green white board there should be an address for BYU Admissions on there. Could you email that to me? I need to tell BYU when I'm planning on coming back.

Mom- I love you best! Could you possible compile some awesomely good recipes and some simple recipes and email them to me so i can print them and have them so we can have some home made good meals. I only know how to make turkey divan and lasagna and they're good but not all the time.

Dad- I love you best! What in the world is a road show? Your message was also cryptic in that aspect.

I love you all very dearly and will write to you next week.



Surprise! Wickenburg- March 14, 2011

Dear Family,

I have to be quick today because it’s already after 6 and we have an appointment sometime. I'm not really sure because I had emergency transfers today! One of the Sisters had to go home a week earlier than planned, so I was moved up here to Wickenburg, the most north area for the sisters, and Hna. Urias stayed in Encanto and Hna. Ayala came up there to be with her. I'm not so sure how long I'll be up here, if it’s just for this week or if this is my new area, but Hna. Ochocinski is my new companion. She was in the MTC at the same time as me and she was in a zone around the corner from me so I know of her. Wickenburg is a crazy small town but a huge missionary area and it’s the wild, wild West. I'll tell you more next week because we have an appointment to get to. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I wanted to write so you know that I’m fine.



Workin’ Hard- February 28, 2011

Dear one and all,

How have you been? Really?! You've told me that there was an ice storm last week, that sucks! It was kinda cold here last week. It got down to the 40's or so...i think. This week we've been on our bikes the whole time, except when we have a member with us. We've been really busy and running around all week, but it’s been successful. We're having a baptism this next Saturday and I'm super excited about it. Her name is Reyna and she's a young single mother who really wants to change and to repent. We're also teaching a 10 year old who is in a part member family. Did you know it’s really hard to teach a little kid about the gospel in a one on one (or two, if you're a missionary) setting. It’s even harder when they're kinda shy at first. Oh well, he wants to learn about it, and the great things is that as we've been going over there and meeting with him, his older sister has gotten interested and wants to learn about the gospel now too. We've just been really blessed to have had a lot of really good lessons this week. About a week or two ago I got a strange letter from a Robert Jacobs (is he in our ward?) and all it was a poem and then he signed it, no return address. It was really strange.

So our mission goal is to contact 140 people every week. We've been working on getting that goal and by doing so we talk to a lot of strange people. Yesterday we talked to some gang members, and earlier in the week we talked to an old man who was telling us about someone named Jeff who claims to be Mormon and has a bunch of wives and is giving us a bad rep. We also helped an old lady with her groceries and now we're going to meet with her and talk about the gospel. Service really helps to open people up a bit. Que mas? That’s all i can think of for now. I'm going to try and send you some pictures. I love you all dearly!



A Day Late and an Hour Early- February 22, 2011

Family! So, the subject line of this email. I'm writing you a day late since yesterday was Presidents day, but the funny thing is we got here to the library an hour before they open but the guy here said that we could use the computers since we're emailing our family and he kinda understands because we've talked to him about what missionaries do a little bit. Last week on Tuesday we had specialized training and it was so nice. It was in our chapel and we learned about having the faith to find and using windows of heaven to find people and getting members involved. It was fantastic. We got to see the other sisters in our zone and they're wonderful. You all still know that Hna. Urias is my companion, right? I would send you pictures, but i forgot my camera cord in Michigan, but I've asked Mel to mail me a few things (or whoever wants to really) and that's one of the things I've asked for since then I'd be able to email you photos right after they've been taken and then i wouldn't have to pay to print them off and mail them to you. Oh, I did write to you yesterday, but it’s being sent snail mail and won't get there for a few days. But i did keep mission rule and write to my mom on p-day. I got your Valentine's Day package last Tuesday and it was fantastic! Hna. Urias loves her socks and I love the earring. And I do wear them sometimes. They're mission appropriate. We're supposed to wear color and jewelry, just not stuff that's super crazy. We've been missing Hna. Jensen like crazy, so the other day we sent her a small package just to say we love her and miss her and for Valentine’s day since i kept telling her I'd give her a waffle maker that makes heart shaped waffles for V-day. Only problem was a waffle maker wouldn't have fit in the package, so i sent her some other things I'd jokingly said I'd get her. I was a little sick this week. I've had "la gripa" or in English, the common cold but i think it sounds more menacing in Spanish. It wasn't that bad, I just slept a little more and Hna. Urias kept trying to tell me I was sick and I'd tell her I wasn't. We went out late one day so I could rest and yesterday I was feeling like my regular self. Only now Hna. Urias is a little tired. It was only a matter of time til we got sick, seeing as almost everyone we talk with was sick. But we're still praying that we don't get bedbugs since a couple of different families that we know have them. We've been blessed so far.

Oh, funny story for y'all. We were on our way to an appointment on Sunday and we were talking with everyone we met and this one guy that we talked to was hilarious! He was telling us that Joseph Smith is buried under the pyramids and he knows since it was on YouTube. and then as we were talking to him our cell phone rang so Hna. Urias checked who was calling and silenced it and he was sorta shocked and was like "what! You’re allowed to have cell phones?! I thought you couldn't have those or watch TV or anything like that" So we told him that we could use cell phones and watch TV and be normal people. He was slightly flabbergasted. It was just so funny.

Anyway, what have you all been up to? I've missed you a little bit but not that much. I'm too busy. Happy Anniversary Parents! Woohoo! You two are amazing. What else have you all been up to? I love you so very much!



And My New Companion is….. - February 14, 2011

Hey Y'all, I know you've been dying to know who my new companion is so I’ll just get to it. Hermana Urias is my companion and we're here in Encanto North (the same place that I’ve been) Hna Jensen left on Monday and on Tuesday i went to the transfer meeting and i got Hna. Urias. She's Mexican and Spanish is her first language and she's learning English, so as you might assume, yes we do speak a lot of Spanish together. Pretty much we've just been keeping super busy talking to people, knocking on doors, teaching lessons and all that good missionary stuff. Yesterday was super fun. We biked to church and on the way we contacted a negrito (in English, a black guy) and he was so funny. He said we were looking really good and that he had read the Book of Mormon in jail. He then asked us as we were leaving "If I come to church for a year, can I marry you?" I told him maybe, and biked away. After church we went over to a less active members house who is from El Salvador (!which is awesome!) and she showed us how to make pupusas, so now I’m an expert. Then we ate some and some tamales, and they were just as good as i had remembered them. There’s not much else that really happened this week. We're teaching an awesome young woman named Reyna. She's 21, has 2 kids and has a baptismal date for the 5th of March! One of our investigators randomly went to Los Angeles and doesn't know when she'll be coming back. We finally have a follow up appointment with an awesome family that Hna. Jensen and I found on New Year’s Eve and then taught later that week. We have a fantastic couple, Mari and Abraham, that Hna Jensen found in her area before she came to Encanto, and they love learning about the gospel and love talking to us and we love them so much. They just need to come to church. They want to be baptized; they just haven't been to church yet. So, other than all that, this week has been busy which means it's been really good too. I love you all, Happy Valentine's Day!



End of Transfers, New Companion Coming Soon- February 7, 2011

Mom, Dad, Mel, Jess, Andra, and Teeters Family,

Well, my Hna. Jensen is gone. She left today around 1:30 and it was sad. Now Hna. Ayala is here with me today and tomorrow until we go to the transfer meeting and then I'll get a new companion. Rumor has it it might be Hna. Urias (i went on exchanges with her) Hna. Ayala is super cool. She was Hna. Jensen's companion before me and she's pretty much one of the coolest sisters here. This Week it was kinda cold in the middle of the week but it’s been warming up. OH. I was going to tell you that last week while i was on exchanges we were at a lesson with a member and it was bad. The member wasn't that great to work with and she just wasn’t' that nice to the investigator in that she didn't respect her beliefs. Most Catholics have a strong belief in the Virgin Mary, as this investigator did and the member told the investigator that her belief in the Virgin Mary was like her believing in a glass cup that was on the table. After the lesson we went outside and when we were in the car we called the investigator and apologized to her and we talked for a while and we got out of the car and she came out of the house and she was alright and still wanted to visit with the sisters.

This week we made Mexican hot dogs and they were so good. It’s a hot dog that has bacon wrapped around it and has been fried up and then you put frijoles, avocado, salsa and all sorts of classic Mexican goodness on it. You all should try it! Mostly though this week has been really crazy and busy with appointment and people cancelling last minute and Hna. Jensen getting ready to go home. We had a few dinner appointments this week from people who wanted to say good bye to Jensen. They were really fun and had some really good food (tinga, and carniasada) Mexicans know how to cook. We also saw a dog fight this week. We were visiting a member’s home and a dog was chillin outside and the moment the sister opened the door her dog ran out and a dog fight started and it took a while to be able to get the dogs apart. Don't worry though, no one was hurt and I think both of the dogs are fine. On Friday we were knocking doors and we started talking to this guy who had some strange views on religion. Here's the quote from that day and it’s from that guy. You’ll see just how odd he is. "To me there’s no difference between the bible and playboy" I do believe that that’s all I have for this week. I'm having fun, and I’ll let you know for sure who my companion is next week (I'm still here in Encanto! That’s a first) I love you all a lot!



Exchanges- January 31, 2011

Darling Family and Friends,

As I was saying in my last email, we had exchanges on Tuesday so on Monday night I packed some things up and Hna. Kunz and Hna. Urias came down to do the switch. Hna. Kunz stayed in Encanto and I went up to Salano with Hna. Urias. It was a lot of fun. We didn't leave Encanto until kinda late, and the AP's called to see why we weren’t' in the apartment yet. Then, I had to drive since Hna. Urias doesn't have a license and I was stopped at a train crossing when her zone leaders call. She immediately told them, "We’re on our way. But there’s a train" They were so confused because they didn't even know that we were on exchanges. It was a good exchange day. We rode around to some appointments that they had and we met some interesting people. There was one guy who asked me where the gold "tablets" are now, talking about the gold plates. That night I drove the car around and then when we came back Hna. Jensen was there. She had gotten a ride from a member (because we don't have that many miles on our car) We rode home and then the member bought us each a doughnut and it was really scrumptious. On Friday night Yadira, a member, came with us to some lessons (we had some really good ones) and afterward she gave both of us a valentine little box of chocolates. It was so cute and nice, and we both just thought, oh this is the only valentine I'm going to get this year. I keep telling Hna. Jensen, though, that I'm going to mail her a package for Valentine’s Day and I keep telling her things I'm going to put in it. If she sees something that she likes I tell her that I'm going to get it for her for Valentine’s Day. Only two problems with that though, I have no money and I have no clue where the post office is in our area. On Saturday we were riding around trying to teach some lessons and we had leaned our bikes up against a house and weren't even on them when all of a sudden Hna. Jensen's bike tire just deflates superfast. Apparently the tire had a hole. At least we were close to the church building and had a key so we put our bikes in there and had the elders who have a truck come pick them up while we ate dinner with a member. Luckily we had scheduled a member to come with us that night so we were good without our bikes. The problem came when we had to go to leave our appointment because the member's car broke down, so he was hammering away for about 30 minutes, but he was able to fix it. We had trouble going to church the next day seeing as we only had 10 miles left for the month. We drove to PEC but then we had a member pick us up for church and they picked up one of our investigators. It was fantastic to see our investigator at church. Hna. Jensen had to give a 20 min talk in sacrament meeting on goals and it was really good. Sunday evening we went to the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center with two of our investigators and watched Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration. It was great, and i loved walking around the temple and seeing where mom and dad got married! I took a picture of the front doors because that's the picture that I've seen of mom and dad coming out of the temple at those doors (does that sentence even make sense?) And then today we had a zone activity were we played Death Ball! It’s like dodge ball, but you only have one ball and its every one for themselves. If you get people out and then you get out, all of the people that you've gotten out get to go back in. It was a long game but lots of fun. Afterward we went outside and played soccer, which was also very nice. Everybody won! Other than all of that, it’s just been a chill week. Lots of contacting, lessons and missionary stuff. We've had a few really good lessons this week and I love it when we do. This week is Hna. Jensen's last week in the mission, and that means that next Tuesday (because we have our transfer meeting on Tuesdays) I'll have a new companion! So, in two weeks I'll let you know who that is, and if I'm still in Encanto. Alright, I love you all and will talk to you next week!



Enchilada Monday- January 24, 2011

So I'm writing a bit late today because Hna. Jensen and I went over to a member's house and were learning how to make enchiladas, but we're going to eat them after we email because it’s getting late! It doesn't help that I left my planner in the apartment and that’s where I write reminders of what to tell you all. I'll try to remember. We had zone conference (which I told you a bit about) on Tuesday and I saw E' Waynick. We also got new music rules. We're only allowed to listen to MoTab, hymns, and songs from the children's handbook. No longer allowed to listen to EFY CD's. It doesn’t matter though; we listen to the Mission Pres. and get blessings. On Thursday I took a defensive driver test at the mission office to make sure I’d be able to drive this Tuesday (we're having exchanges, so I’m getting switched to a new area for tomorrow and then switched back and the other Hna. can't drive because she's from a different country and doesn't have a license) Since I had some tickets I had to take the test and I got 100%! I was the first person ever to get 100% on the test before, so I’m going to be a fantastic driver now. On Friday night we were dropped off at the church after a lesson with a member since our bikes were at the church building and we ran inside to use the bathroom before we biked home. Well, there was a scorpion in the bathroom which kinda freaked us out, but the stake president was there and we told him and he came in and killed it. On Saturday some of the elders in our ward (there’s 7 of us total, and we're one district in our zone) had a baptism so we went to that and helped out. One of the sisters had to be baptized 4 times because her arm kept sticking up out of the water. haha. On Sunday it was really windy but we rode our bikes to church anyway since we try not to use very many miles and it was super difficult! The wind was blowing really hard and I was just glad that I was wearing some shorts under my skirt. Today we were running around getting everything done, but that’s what happens on P-day. It’s not a day of rest, but a day to prepare, so that means is just about as busy as every other day, if not more so! We've been teaching a lot of lessons and doing a lot of contacting and it’s going really well. Hna. Jensen goes home at the end of this transfer (Feb. 8) and normally I don't like the "greeny" "trunky" combo but she's not trunky at all. She just likes to work and I love it! Ok, I’ve got to go because we've got a busy night planned, eating enchiladas, a giant FHE (again) and a lesson. I love you all so much.



Long Week But Really Good- January 19, 2011

Hello All, Don't worry, I'm still alive! This last Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day and we write our emails at the local library which is not open on Holidays, so we couldn't come on Monday. And then on Tuesday we had Zone conference in the morning and some appointments in the evening / afternoon, so we had to wait until today when they're open. Zone conference was fantastic! Hna. Jensen and I had to go early to go to a trainer trainee meeting and they split us up into trainers and trainees so we could talk about our challenges and figure out how to take care of things and all that since your expectations almost never are the same as what you get. Some of the Elders had quite a few problems with their companions, and the AP's (they were conducting the meeting) tried to get me to ask a question or something but I didn't have that much to say since Hna. Jensen is fantastic and I knew exactly what to expect. Also, I saw Elder Waynick at the zone conference which was super funny to me. We also got new phones at ZC, so we no longer have a giant brick but we have the phone that I used to have. The conference focused a lot on planning and companionship inventory. We were given a sheet of paper to write down things that were going well, things that needed work and a plan on how to fix things. It was really good, and made me realize that Comp Inventory isn't just for when things are going wrong, but it’s there to help strengthen relationships, and there’s always something that you can be doing better. President Beck and his wife did a comp inventory for us (live) and it was great.

On Saturday we had a baptism and it went really well. Eduardo was baptized and three of the Elder's investigators. President and Sister Beck were there, and Hna. Jensen and I taught the first lesson (in Spanish) while people were changing. It was kind of nerve wrecking but it went really well.

At district meeting this week we were told that we're to go on the computer twice a week now. once to write to family, and the other time to check out and so that we can talk to people about it and actually know what we're talking about.

P-day was a lot of fun this week (except I didn't get to email you!) We went to the church and played soccer with some of the members and it was a lot of fun! I know that I'm not good at soccer, but at least I’m trying now, so I’m improving. Also, we finished P-day early and went to a member’s house for dinner which was fantastic. It was one of her son's birthdays so we had pizza and cake and sang happy birthday and shared a message and it was just overall fun. We've been doing a lot of contacting and having quite a few lessons so the work has been going really well. Oh, FYI P-days can be switched up if need be. Like if we're going to be going to the temple one day, we can switch our p-day to a more convenient day for that. So, don’t' freak out if I don't email you, we might have changed our p-day or there was a holiday or all computers in the world stopped working. But I will email you every time that I get on my email page. I love you and will write you next week. You're the best!



Great Week to Work in Phoenix- January 10, 2011

Hey family that I love,

This second week in phoenix has been pretty busy, but some days it’s just chill and full of fun bike rides. I've been getting to know the area a bit more this week and sometimes I know where i am instead of just following Hna. Jensen around. Hna. Jensen by the way is fantastic. She's been lending me some of her warm clothes and she's really nice and a hard worker. She's just fantastic. We've been working really hard this week, but it doesn't seem like super hard work sometimes. We ride out bikes a lot so it just seems like we're out having fun on a bike ride and as we go we stop and talk to everyone we see (well, sometime not EVERY one, if they're a big group of guys out drinking) We went over to a members house (Diaz Family) for FHE on Monday and it was a lot of fun. We stopped by an investigators house (Maria) before hand and invited her but she said she wouldn't be able to make it. Well, we went back over to the member's house and started teaching a lesson to Eduardo (he's an awesome investigator who is going to be baptized this Saturday!) and part way through the lesson Maria and her friend knocked on the door. After we had left they had stopped what they were doing and came over to the FHE. They're fantastic people.

This week on the 6th was the Day of the Kings, and we happened to have a dinner appointment that day at the Diaz's house and they had the cake of kings and it was pretty good. Inside of this giant donut shaped cake are a few plastic dolls, and if you get a piece of cake with a doll in it then you have to throw a party, so every person has to cut their own piece of cake. Hna. Jensen and I didn't get a little doll in our cake, but it was funny to see when people did.

The weather has been getting a bit better, but it still can't decide if it wants to be warm or cold. It’s cool at night and a couple of times it rained. One night we were contacting in the park and it started hailing a little bit. We were going to just stand under a tree but we went over to a member's house that we had gone to one day when it had been raining real hard. They're nice people. Oh, just so you know, this library opens at 2 and p-day ends at 6, so that’s the times when I’ll be able to email you. But I think that that’s all for me. I love you! Oh, mom thanks for forwarding Hna. Stouts letter to me!
Love, Brea

Mucho Frio!- January 3, 2011

Good day everyone! I'm here in Arizona and having a wonderful time! The first day we had really nice weather, and then it turned cold. It’s been crazy interesting. Hna. Jensen is my companion and she is really good and I love her to death. She knows the gospel really well and Spanish and she just totally nice (she's the one standing next to me in the picture of the Spanish speaking sisters, but the white girl, not the Mexican) The first day we had a meeting with the RS presidency to tell them a bit more about the ward mission plan and then we met with some less active members. On Tuesday it was cold and rainy and we were on our bikes (every area here is a biking area but it can be only biking, bike and bus, or bike and car. we have a bike and car.) for a few hours because we have a very limited number of miles for our car. We got pretty cold and everything was flooding because they're not used to rain, so we went back to our apartment and had some hot chocolate and tea to warm up and then went back out but in the car. The last few days have been pretty cold but I’ve had my sweaters and my sweatshirt. We went to the store one day to get some food for me and see if we could find a jacket, but all of them were either not that warm or just really ugly, but I’ve been totally fine. Hna. Jensen is really nice and lets me use one of her jackets and scarfs and I bought some gloves. Plus we're really into layering right now. On New Year’s Eve all missionaries in this area had to be in by 6, so it was a long night but we caught up on some journal writing and ate a good dinner. On New Year’s Day we were only allowed to go out if we had an appointment, which we luckily did, but only two and they both fell through. But we talked to everyone who was on the street and met some nice people that way. We also met a drunk guy at a bus stop, a guy who told us the Catholic Church is exactly like the Italian mafia, and someone who called us babes on bikes and told us not to get helmet hair. OH, also something crazy is that some of the elders and sisters from my zone in the MTC are in this mission! How random is that. But Elder Ochoa is not. He is now in the Farmington, NM mission. Sunday was really good. Church is at 1 and all in Spanish (there are a lot of Spanish speakers here, so I’m trying hard to remember all the Spanish i learned) We had an amazing lesson with an investigator, Maria, and the spirit was so strong during the lesson. Hna. Jensen invited her to be baptized on Feb. 5 and she said yes!

Today we've been running around and having fun. In this mission we only have district or zones get together on p-days once a transfer, and i was all, that’s really weird to me. So we went and played soccer with our district and it was really fun. Then we've been shopping and we get to write whenever we have time, which was at the end of the day for us today. This week has been really amazing and I’m feeling really good about the mission. The areas fantastic and the people are so sweet.

I love you all,
Hna. Wells