Sunday, August 21, 2011

June 6, 2011- I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!

Hermana Wells learns how to be a Cowgirl!

Dear Family,
Oh how I love being on a mission! I was lying in bed a few nights ago and I realized that very soon I will be halfway through my mission, and I'm trying to figure out what type of missionary I want to become and what type of person I want to be when I get home. I've seen so many people out here that the gospel could really help, and it's amazing the change you see in people as they actually live the principles of the gospel and follow their Savior. I hadn't ever really known of the difference that it makes in my life since I've always had it, but by looking at Dawn, who just was baptized, and Frank, who is learning so much and is getting ready for baptism, I've seen how much happier it's made them and the change for the better that it has made in their lives. It's amazing how much we can take our knowledge for granted. Hna. Jeanfreau likes to say, "I'm amazed as how blinded I am by my blessings", meaning that sometimes it's hardest to turn to God when things are going so well.
So, this week, starting with last Monday- We had Frank over for dinner with the Hancock's and dinner was delicious. Then we ran over and saw Maria and Ester. Tuesday- We saw Tyeshia and she met one of the members who's her age and they really got along well. Then we had a bunch of different appointments. Wednesday- Wasn't too different except we got a nail in our tire so we had to go and get it patched. Then we found out that Frank had gotten blood poisoning from a dog bite he'd gotten and was in the hospital. Thursday- Sister Beck came out with us and we had a fantastic day. We invited three people to be baptized and they said yes! Frank was home from the hospital and we talked with him about priesthood blessings. Later that night Brother Hancock and Brother Neal went over and gave Frank a blessing. Friday- We had a District meeting and then a bunch of appointments. Saturday- We saw the Phoenix Temple ground breaking (it was broadcast to Wickenburg) and then we went out and worked all day. It was really nice. Sunday- We went to PEC in the morning and then church. Afterward we broke our fast and then we went over to the Ward Mission Leader's house.  His wife had made a 14-layer cake and she gave us a piece. Then we went over to one of our investigator's houses and they gave us pasole and then we rode our bikes up this massive hill to get home. That was the worst idea ever! We had a lesson with Frank and he's doing great! That night Frank's brother called us (he's a member) and told us that he's so excited that Frank is going to be baptized and that he's going to fly down from Alaska to be able to baptize him! We're so super excited about that!! Today we had a District activity where we went to a park, played sand volleyball (which pretty much burnt our feet), lava tag, freeze tag and then we threw a watermelon around. We got bored kinda easy. Then we went shopping and came back and are currently cooking banana bread and zucchini bread. It's been a busy day.

How have you all been? How are Michigan and Washington doing? I love you all very much!


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