Sunday, August 21, 2011

July 22, 2011- It's been a long time! Sorry

Hna Graves, Jeanfreau, Okesen, and Wells

Dear Family,
So last week, as we were looking through our plans for the next week, we discovered that we had pretty much a full day planned for Monday, so we called our DL's and asked if we could change our p-day to Friday this week so we'd actually be able to do some grocery shopping and prepare. They said "yes" and that's why you were uninformed about this random change.  So, I've got a lot to update you on, almost two weeks! 
Last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - We had a lot of appointments and we've been able to get members to them, which has been good, so we've been staying busy and our investigators have been progressing.
On Thursday night I went down to the Agua Fria area and Hna. Okesen came up to Wickenburg for exchanges. So I was down there with Hna. Graves and I havent' seen so many houses and buildings in about 4.5 months (aka since I've gotten to Wickenburg) It was a lot of fun, Hna Graves was companions with Hna. Jeanfreau in the MTC so they're the same "age" in the mission.
Saturday- We had a Windows of Heaven planned, which was fun, and then we had dinner at an old investigator's house.  She's just as interested as she's ever been, but her boyfriend is a bit more interested I think. I'm not sure if they're interested in being baptized, but he wants to learn more about the religion.
Sunday- We went to church, which was awesome, and then we had an appointment with Levi Gordon Lee (David Bowie look alike) and he now knows when they're getting married and he has a date! The only problem is that the date is before the wedding and since they live in the same house he'll need to be baptized after he's married even though they're living the law of chastity. We also got to have lunch at a member's house and one of the Elders' investigators was there.  She is just so fantastically awesome and so ready to be baptized and she's just so excited for it. Then we took our investigator, Maria Tepeyac, to a baptism service in Surprise since that's the only service before her baptism this Sunday. It's been a total whirlwind thing with her, since she called us and said she wanted to meet with missionaries again.  Then the next day after we saw her and gave her a baptism date she moved to Mesa, so we sent her as a referral to the Mesa missionaries. Then two weeks ago she moved back into our area and she still was getting ready for the 23rd of July, so we've been going with that. It's been crazy, but she's so ready for it.
Monday- We worked, worked, worked and half of our appointments fell through, but we had backup plans so it all worked out.
Tuesday- We had a Zone meeting in Surprise in the morning and then Maria T had her baptismal interview right after that.  Then we went back to Wittman and had things to do down there. It's just been busy!
Wednesday- We had lots of things, like always, and one of the girls in our Ward who's getting ready to go on a mission (she's going to Denver, CO) came with us for the afternoon to get a feel for what missionary work is like. I hope she had a good time and learned a lot, and she said that she did.
Thursday- We had Ward coordination at 8, District meeting at 10:30, a lesson with Tyeshia, which was awesome since we were going to talk to her about the law of chastity, but before we ever got to it she told us that she want to get married to her baby's daddy before she's baptized! How awesome, right!?! Then we weekly planned forever and then had more lessons and tracting to do. Pretty much we keep busy and are going to start setting up splits with the RS and YW when we can, so we have more time to find people. How has life been for y'all? Are you at YC yet or am I a week off? Dad, how are you feeling? Better, I hope!
I love you all soo much!!!

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