Sunday, August 21, 2011

June 27, 2011 - Did you know that Arizona is HOT?

The District at the Zoo!

Dear Family,
Well, these last few days have been very fun and hot! So, it hasn't been that long since I've written to you, but on Saturday we went to a member's house and washed her windows for her birthday and got to meet her non-member husband, so we really enjoyed that. Then we invited some of our investigators to the baptism that the Elders where having that day. For some reason we thought it would be good to try and save miles and use our bikes. We're never going to do that again!  We'd rather just go over on miles. When we got to the church building I guess I was bright red for about 20 minutes, but I was totally fine. I then translated the baptism from Spanish to English for the gringos, which wasn't as difficult as from English to Spanish. Then we had a pretty good lesson with an investigator named Robert who is really genuine and just wants to know what's true. Then we had a meeting with the Elders and then we slept.
On Sunday we went to church and Ward Council beforehand and then we had a lunch at a very recent convert's house (she'd been baptized the day before). We did some studies and then we had dinner at a member's house and they were really cool. Then we had some more studies and then it was time for Monday. Today we went to the zoo! We saw lions and tigers and the Elders touched a panther, giraffe, sting ray, shark, star fish, lobster, antelope, and had a water bottle stolen by a monkey. Elders are crazy, but really funny. So that's what I've been up to the past few days and such. We've been working really hard but the best part of it is that you can see the results. The changes that come to people's live are amazing when they just take the time to do the simple things every day, like read the scriptures and pray. And then going to church every Sunday is important because it's where we receive personal revelation for our lives. It doesn't matter if you live in a crazy Ward, the Holy Ghost is still there and can still give you answers to prayers. I love you all so much!

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