Sunday, August 21, 2011

July 4, 2011- Hello, hello, Hello, hello

Hey Family,
Another week has passed and p-day is here again. So, I shall start with an update of my week.
Tuesday- we had coordination which was long and then we taught a few lessons to some awesome investigators. Then we knocked some doors, and it was hot outside, but that's not new anymore. Then we went and did some sewing service.
Wednesday- We had District meeting in Surprise and that was good, but for some reason the whole day everything just kept going wrong. Actually more than just the whole day but the whole week. I guess that's what happens when you study diligence for the week. Many of our normally very solid appointments fell through, but we still had things to do and we just kept on working.
Thursday- We weekly planned in the morning and then were out and about teaching lessons, and we got new tires on the truck because the rest had low tread and had a really great lesson with one of our newer investigators.
Friday- We did splits and my lesson went pretty well, but Hna. Jeanfreau's wasn't that great. We learned that one of our investigators isn't so interested anymore, but at least now we know.
Saturday- We had waffles at a member's house whose son isn't a member and had a lesson with him. He's going to start reading the Book of Mormon. Then we had some studying to do and some more knocking and lessons and that was that. We forgot an appointment we had with the Elders but we were still able to meet with them.
Sunday- We went to church and the Spanish group up here had their very first sacrament meeting! Woo who! we were so excited, but I had to go to the English-speaking meeting with one of our investigators. Then we did lots of studying and lots of tracting so it was overall a pretty good Sunday. A guy told us that God and Jesus Christ aren't perfect and he knows because he prayed about it. He said he believes in the Bible, but couldn't understand that he was contradicting himself because the Bible says that God is perfect. Oh well. So that was my week and this week looks like it's going to be better, but I'm not sure if it'll be any cooler. We'll see, but I've got lots of water so I'll be safe. I love you!

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