Monday, August 22, 2011

Meetings, meetings, meetings!

Hey Fam,
This week has been pretty great, but I think we had a meeting almost everyday this week which wasn't our favorite because it meant that we weren't in our area much this week.
Tuesday- We had coordination meeting in the morning and they're normally pretty long, but we had an appointment an hour after it started, so we left after 45 min. Then we were able to see a few people that we had been wanting to see, including Tyeshia! She's amazing.  Then we then we went southward towards Morristown and were able to see some investigators down there. We were also able to see a less active member who we pretty much love! He is coming back to church and he's planning on receiving the priesthood next month and he's thinking about going on a mission, so we're really excited about that.
Wednesday- We had a district meeting in Surprise and then we had lots of studying to do. Then we visited a less active family that we're trying to get involved again. Finally that day, we talked to Susan Stumps who's this feisty older lady who reminds me of grandma in her looks, and she's just so funny and has so many stories to tell us, which are interesting but not why we're there to see her. We've been trying to help her understand why the priesthood is important and that it has been restored.
Thursday- We did weekly planning and then we had to get a chip in our windshield repaired so we didnt' even leave our house until about 3:30, which was horrible but then we were able to go out and visit some people.  Then in the evening, we had a baby shower to attend for Tyeshia and Maria (the one who just got baptized) so we were there for a while to support them and to help out with that.
Friday- We had a Zone meeting all day long! We didnt' get home until about 6, but it was a really good Zone Conference. We learned a lot of new things, seeing as this was Pres. Taylor's first Zone Conference with u,s so it was different than how Pres. Beck used to do things. Then we visited Robert and talked to him about tithing and it's just been so cute to see how his faith has grown over the past few months. Then we visited with a recent convert of the Elders and talked with her and shared a message with her. Pretty much I love her to death, she's super cute and has such an awesome love for the gospel.
Saturday- Tyeshia had her baptismal interview and she is getting baptized next Saturday! Oh, plus she got married on Friday which was super exciting, even though we weren't there. Then the Elders had a baptism that day and so I translated from Spanish to English.
Sunday- We had church and we had a wonderfully awkward lesson in RS about the law of chastity, which wasn't awkward for anyone except the Laurels who were in the RS that day. Ha ha, poor girls. Then we had a Mexican birthday party to go to for a recent convert and then we had a dinner appointment after that (so only two dinners that day) and then we saw Susan S again and she had some questions and mostly stayed on topic and she said she'd pray about if the priesthood has been restored through Jose Smith. Today we had had a church tour scheduled but the person cancelled on us, so we've just been preparation daying it up all morning. I'm even wearing pants right now which is really weird. So that's all I've been up to.
I have no clue what the temperatures are or what they're going to be, but  it has been being a bit cooler in the evenings which has been nice.
I hope all is going great with y'all and I love you lots!

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