Sunday, August 21, 2011

July 11, 2011- Wow

Hello Family, how are you this lovely morning?
As I got on the computer, on the home page it said that at 11 am the temperature is 97, which is pretty normal. We're actually in the "humid" months and I have no clue what that really means. But anyway, I've been having a great week so far. Last week we emailed you early (we live at a member's house and have permission to email on their computers, so holidays don't affect us) and then we had a few lessons in the middle of the day.  We had a District activity up here in Wickenburg, which was a lot of fun. The Elders here organized a scavenger hunt so the other missionaries could get to see a lot of downtown Wickenburg and it was so funny! Then we had more p-day stuff to do and were busy.
Tuesday- We had district meeting early in the week and then we did some "Windows of Heaven" where we tell the Lord where we're going to knock and how many people we are going to find and it's like an appointment with the Lord and it went really well. That night we went to Anita's for dinner, which is a really great Mexican restaurant, with some members.
Wednesday- We had lots of lessons and were really busy driving and tracting. I've started to use an umbrella as we tract and Hna. J thinks that I'm crazy, but it keeps me cool.  She likes to use it sometimes, too, but her Oregon pride won't let her have her own umbrella.
Thursday- We had weekly coordination in the morning and then we had an appointment with Tyeshia, who is doing great after she had her baby. Then we had weekly planning and then we had splits to visit lots of people down in Wittman, so it was a long and somewhat busy day.
Friday- We had to wake up really early to go to Interviews and meet President Taylor. He is really different than President Beck. I'm not sure how to explain the difference between the two but they are different, but neither one is better than the other. Pres. Taylor is like a great big teddy bear and has a little less formal style of teaching and least to get to know us. Then the rest of the day we had a ton of appointments.
Saturday- Lots more appointments and talking to people and one of our investigators who we had talked with a month ago just moved back from Mesa and is getting ready to be baptized in two weeks! There was a lot to do, but a lot of it was really fun and exciting.
Sunday- Just like the rest of the week. Busy busy! Church, lessons, dinner at a member's house, tracting and all that fun missionary stuff. So, I've heard that The Teeters Family is going to visit the Midwest again, Yeah! I'm excited that the family gets to kidnap William for a little while and I wish I was there to spoil him. I love you all lots and have fun with Youth Conference and Girls Camp coming up and all that stuff.

Photo 1- Part of our picture scavenger hunt

photo 2- Our whole District in a tree

photo 3- I tried to cook a cupcake in the microwave and I forgot that the measuring cup was plastic and would melt and I over estimated how long a microwave cupcake would take to cook. Needless to say, our whole kitchen was filled with smoke in 3 minutes.

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