Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 2, 2011- Transfer results

Dearest family,
How are you this fine week? I have been crazy busy with lots of meetings and whatnot this past week, so let me tell you about it.
Last Wednesday we had a transfer meeting and I got a new companion! Her name is Kaydee Overy, she came straight from the MTC, and she is from Wyoming. She's been learning Spanish for the past 9 weeks, so we get to learn together. After we got out of our transfer meeting we stopped by the house, ate some lunch and then had some apartments to go to which were pretty good, two of them being in Spanish. Then, after that, we came back home to explain some stuff and so that she could unpack a little and get settled in.
Hermana Wells and Hermana Overy

Thursday- We did some weekly planing and had some appointments and had the chance to knock some doors. We were also able to go out with a member for part of the day, which was really nice.
Friday- We had District Meeting for a while and were able to stop by and visit a less active lady who is so fun to talk to. So that was really nice. Then we had dinner at a part member's house and it was delicious.
Saturday- We went to the new Stake Center Open House and were there for quite a while because we were stationed at one of the booths in case people wanted to talk to us about what Mormons believed. We then did some studying and then a lesson with Susan Stumps who had just gotten back into town after being gone for two months! Then that evening the Elders had a baptism so we were there and I was able to translate from Spanish to English. Afterward there was a fiesta and so we went to that with all the members and investigators that had come to the baptism.
Sunday- We had church, as always, and I got to translate a few times. Then we had studying to do and some knocking and lessons and it was a really good day.
Monday- We had coordination...for 2 hours! Then we had some door knocking which is lots of fun and some lessons. It's been humid so I think I'm about to die because it just makes it feel so much hotter! But in reality it's cooled off to about 110. That's all that's been going on with me. I hope all is well with all of you.
Mom and Andra, I hope you have fun at girls camp this year!
I love you all lots.

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