Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 15, 2011- Another week of work

Good Morning (or afternoon, depending on what State you're in) Family,

Now you might be wondering why this is coming to you on a Monday instead of Tuesday, and that's because our old District Leader didn't tell us that p-day was only changed to Tuesdays on the week of transfers, and will still be on Monday every other week. The Wickenburg missionaries where the only ones not informed of that, so we and the Elders up here were having p-day on Tuesdays.  We just found out that that isn't how it's supposed to be. 
Sooo, Wednesday- We had District meeting in Wickenburg and we learned all about working with our leaders and making sure that all is getting done that needs to be done in the missionary aspect. Then all of our appointments fell through and so we used our backup plans, thank goodness for backup plans.
Thursday- We went to check in on Frank since we hadn't been able to see him in a few weeks since he'd been sick, and we found out he's in the hospital and not doing so great. We're really praying that he will be alright and that he will get better. We also went on splits and I went to all of the Spanish ones and had lots of fun since the lady that came with me doesn't know any Spanish. The Lord really does bless his missionaries with the ability to learn another language!
Friday- We got our oil changed...again and so we took our bikes with us so that we could be out and about while they were doing their thing and changing our oil. We had a great time knocking on some doors, and then we had a great evening with some investigators and recent convert lessons. Then we where walking down the street in downtown Wickenburg and, as we were walking, we walked right by a Tarantula! It didn't move or anything, but I was on one side of it and Hna. Overy was on the other side, so it was right between us. Hna. Overy freaked out! She hates spiders so very much and she was freaking out, but she had to calm down a bit very quickly since there was a man that we had to talk to. Then we had to walk by that same place in order to get to our truck and she didn't want to, but it was gone by then. So, I've seen a tarantula, a scorpion, a coyote and a road runner! Now I just have to see a rattlesnake and then I'll have had the true Arizona experience.
Saturday- We went out and visited Robert, who is preparing to be baptized, as soon as he quits smoking. Then we were able to find Dawn, who had been MIA for a while, and we didn't know where she was living, but we found her with the help of some members who had been helping her out. Then we rode our bikes for a while and knocked on some doors down in Wittman.  We found this awesome guy who, when we gave him a Book of Mormon pass along card, said that the picture on it was dope and I told him that there was an even doper story that went with it. He was so cool!  Not really interested, but funny to talk to. We also had dinner with a part-member family who we love so very much.  They're so very cute together. The husband says he wants to be tied up with his wife forever (aka sealed) and the only thing stopping them is the fact that he's not baptized, so we're trying to help them out with that.
Sunday- We had church and spoke in Spanish. Then we had a Spanish lunch and ate ceveche, which I am not a fan of, and that is how I found out, by eating it. It's like a pico de gallo with seafood in it and not my favorite Spanish dish, but we ate it and we had good company. Then we had a dinner right after that with another part-member family whose son is investigating the church, and he said he'd live the Word of Wisdom, which is fantastic. Then we were able to study a lot, like we do every day and then we took our progress record over to our Ward Mission Leader's house. While there, we found out that his wife had been called as a Seminary teacher earlier that day. Seminary started today, so she was frantically trying to get ready. I told her that Mom loves the Old testament and that she taught it twice and has some great lesson ideas. I also gave her the home phone number, so she's going to call you about getting some ideas for Seminary lessons. I kinda forgot that Dad is CURRENTLY teaching Seminary and that she could talk to the two of you...but if you get a call from an Arizona number, you'll know why. That's pretty much my life right now. How are things in other parts of the States? How is getting ready to move from Washington to the Midwest? How is moving from Michigan to Ohio? How is Seminary going? How is school (wait, when does school start, because it already started down here?) How is the job hunting going? I hope all is well for y'all! I love you all so very much.

photo 1- i like to climb rocks and what not

photo 2- a ceramic tarantula that we'd taken a picture with the day before we saw the real thing...and the real one was somewhat close to this one. I think they're friends.

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