Sunday, August 21, 2011

June 13, 2011- And another Transfer begins!

Hey Family,
We got transfer news this morning. No one in our whole district was transferred, which is funny since one set of Elders has been together for 6 months now. ha ha. They love it here in Wickenburg.  Anyway, this week:
Tuesday- We had quite a few lessons that we were able to have members come with us to and then we went to Wittman for a little bit and did some quilting. I was still cutting the fabric but I'll get to maybe start sewing tomorrow. It was a pretty chill day.
Wednesday- We had District meeting and that was pretty fun. E' Angelos (one of our ZL) was there because he wanted to say goodbye to us since it was his last DM with us because he went home today. Then we met a new investigator who was a referral from a member who is not in our Ward but still awesome. We talked to Esther and her kids in the church and we're hoping that she'll get the courage and support she needs from her family to be baptized next month. She's more than ready but she just doesnt' know it yet.
Thursday- We weekly planned all morning and part of our companion studies we went to the Family History Center in our Ward and learned about the area so we could take some of our recent converts there. I got on to do a little so that we'd be able to explain it better and guess what I found out? According to when I looked at my family pedigree it said that uncle Storm died in 1994. How crazy, right? I told the lady that he is not dead and she said that dad could call the Family History Center in SLC and let them know and that they would change it. Also, it does not have Great Grandma on there at all! So, it looks like her genealogy hasn't been done? I'm not sure but this stuff is addicting! Anyway, we went to some lessons and things like that in the afternoon and had fun working.
Friday- We had a trainer/ trainee meeting in Glendale and we were able to talk about the new training program and how it's going.  Then we split up and talked about how crazy trainees are and they talked about how crazy trainers are, so we had a good time all around. Then we went and got our oil changed and then had appointments all afternoon. We've just been busy.
Saturday- We used our bikes in the mid morning and had lots of fun and then we went out to Morristown and used our bikes out there. We've come to realize that we now think that 90 is kinda cool and nice. And that's just the beginning!
Sunday- We had church and then we went to see Frank, who is amazing. He's going to be baptized in two weeks! Then we did some studies, had a meeting with the Bishop and then had a dinner appointment. It was so good and nice to have Dawn to get to know another family in the Ward. Then we had to go home and finish up our studies. Today has been the most chill p-day in a while. No trips to Surprise or anything, but still really busy. Ok, this is a picture of where we've been tracting. I know, I have an awesome area. Ok. How's life been for all of you? I hope you're all doing good. Remember it's Father's Day this Sunday!! Shhh, don't tell Dad, but I think he's the best Dad EVER! Ok.
I love you all lots.

My tracting area.

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