Sunday, August 21, 2011

June 24, 2011- Happy preparation day to me! and happy birthday to everyone else!

Hermana Jeanfrau and me with President and Sister Beck

Dear Family,
Ok, So you're getting an email late in the week because we've changed our p-day to Friday for this week only so that we can go to the temple! Yeah! I'm so excited to go today. So, I've got to make this quick because we've got to be out of here in about 30 min.
So, I shall start with last Tuesday. We had quite a few appointments during the day and we were pretty busy. We had to change around our studies to be able to get everything in, but it all worked out.
Wednesday- We had a great lunch with a less active family and we're trying to figure out what to do to help them to come back to church. They really want to feel welcomed there. Then we had some more lessons and such. Thursday and Friday were pretty much the same. We're keeping really busy with lots of lessons and we're going to start to try and get splits organized so that we can get everything we need to done.
Saturday- Was really good. Lessons, dinner at a member's house.
Sunday- We did a lot of tracting and thinking about our fathers. We also tried to get our investigators to come to church and it kinda worked...for some of them.
Monday was a work day and we met a newish sister in the ward and she's really nice and served a mission in Ohio, working in the office.
Tuesday- We tried to spend most of it in Wittman, but it only sort of worked, but things worked out fine.
Wednesday was Jessica and Andra's Birthday!!  We had a zone conference almost all day, but it was wonderful! Then yesterday we had District meeting and lots of lessons. But pretty much we've been keeping busy all this week and this week we'll have gone to Phoenix, Surprise and Mesa. It's been crazy but really good. I love you all so much and will write to you again on Monday!

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