Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 9, 2011- A Westerner's take on humidity

Dear Family,
Well, I never knew how much humidity sucks and how much hotter it makes things. I guess that comes from living in a very humid state for most of my life. August is technically cooler than June and July (by about 5-10 degrees) but it feels like it's hotter than those months since we have about 20 - 30 % humidity. I know, I've become a sissy! But anyway, Hna. Overy and I are having fun doing missionary work and trying to learn the language together.
On Wednesday- We talked to some people and taught some lessons. Then we were able to see Susan S. again, who had been in the East for 2 months, and we taught her about the Word of Wisdom. She said she'd give up smoking but she's not ready to give up her coffee just yet. At least she's starting and that will help.
Thursday - We had weekly planning and we had district meeting, so there were lots of times spent indoors.  But it was all good since we were able to go on splits that evening.  I went to see the people who speak Spanish and Hna. Overy taught the English-speaking people.
Friday- I wasn't feeling so great in the morning since its cold / flu time here randomly and well, we talk to everyone. So I took a nap in the morning and Hna. Overy went out with someone (we live at a member's house so the member was my companion while I was home) and taught a lesson. When she came back I was feeling better so we went out and taught some people.
Saturday- Some of our plans fell through, but we had some backups.  One of our backups decided to confess some sins to us, which was kinda weird, but that happens a lot to missionaries. Then we had a great lesson with Robert and he said "yes" to being baptized in Sept! Its' pretty awesome!
Sunday- We went to church and then we did some studying and then we did some preaching.
Monday- We had coordination and we also had a lesson with Tyesha.  She's doing really well and planning to get married to her boyfriend next week.  The week after that she's going to be baptized!  A lot of great things are happening here in Wickenburg. Then we were able to do some service for a family friend of a member, and it was lots of fun. They had some little kids that wanted to help and they were so cute!  Then we had an awesome lesson with a less active who is coming back to church and he's going to get the priesthood next month! It's just awesome. So that's what I've been up to so far this week. I loved getting some pictures from you, and yes mom, I did get the package that you sent me. It got here just after I emailed y'all. Thank you so much for doing all of that sewing for me. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you by ripping out all seams that needed ripping because I know you're a busy lady. Plus  I loved the pictures that you sent me of the Art Walk. Sometimes I was confused by the artwork, but that's normal. Sorry to say, thoug,h that you've got nothing on Stephanie Rhodes--she sent me 88 pictures last week (covering her whole summer, including trips to China and Europe). So, I got lots of pictures last week and I loved it. I love you all lots and lots. I miss you and take care.

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