Sunday, August 21, 2011

July 26, 2011- Transfer news

Ok Family,
This is going to be short cuz we've got 20 minues to email.
Maria Tepeyac was baptized this last Sunday after church and will be getting confirmed this Sunday. Every one is freaking out since they've been working with her for awhile but Hna. J and I just thought she was golden. Today we got our hair cut and I'll send you pictures later.  Then we went to Nana's with Sara and Ilene, some of the most amazing ladies in the ward! Hna. J is going to be transferred tomorrow and I'm going to be training again, so we'll find out who tomorrow and where Hna J is going to go. That's all the news for now. I love you lots and lots! Oh, and I was wondering if you could take a pic of the whole Teeter's family together when you see them beausec I have zero pictures of them as a family. Ok, I love and miss you lots.

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