Monday, August 22, 2011

Meetings, meetings, meetings!

Hey Fam,
This week has been pretty great, but I think we had a meeting almost everyday this week which wasn't our favorite because it meant that we weren't in our area much this week.
Tuesday- We had coordination meeting in the morning and they're normally pretty long, but we had an appointment an hour after it started, so we left after 45 min. Then we were able to see a few people that we had been wanting to see, including Tyeshia! She's amazing.  Then we then we went southward towards Morristown and were able to see some investigators down there. We were also able to see a less active member who we pretty much love! He is coming back to church and he's planning on receiving the priesthood next month and he's thinking about going on a mission, so we're really excited about that.
Wednesday- We had a district meeting in Surprise and then we had lots of studying to do. Then we visited a less active family that we're trying to get involved again. Finally that day, we talked to Susan Stumps who's this feisty older lady who reminds me of grandma in her looks, and she's just so funny and has so many stories to tell us, which are interesting but not why we're there to see her. We've been trying to help her understand why the priesthood is important and that it has been restored.
Thursday- We did weekly planning and then we had to get a chip in our windshield repaired so we didnt' even leave our house until about 3:30, which was horrible but then we were able to go out and visit some people.  Then in the evening, we had a baby shower to attend for Tyeshia and Maria (the one who just got baptized) so we were there for a while to support them and to help out with that.
Friday- We had a Zone meeting all day long! We didnt' get home until about 6, but it was a really good Zone Conference. We learned a lot of new things, seeing as this was Pres. Taylor's first Zone Conference with u,s so it was different than how Pres. Beck used to do things. Then we visited Robert and talked to him about tithing and it's just been so cute to see how his faith has grown over the past few months. Then we visited with a recent convert of the Elders and talked with her and shared a message with her. Pretty much I love her to death, she's super cute and has such an awesome love for the gospel.
Saturday- Tyeshia had her baptismal interview and she is getting baptized next Saturday! Oh, plus she got married on Friday which was super exciting, even though we weren't there. Then the Elders had a baptism that day and so I translated from Spanish to English.
Sunday- We had church and we had a wonderfully awkward lesson in RS about the law of chastity, which wasn't awkward for anyone except the Laurels who were in the RS that day. Ha ha, poor girls. Then we had a Mexican birthday party to go to for a recent convert and then we had a dinner appointment after that (so only two dinners that day) and then we saw Susan S again and she had some questions and mostly stayed on topic and she said she'd pray about if the priesthood has been restored through Jose Smith. Today we had had a church tour scheduled but the person cancelled on us, so we've just been preparation daying it up all morning. I'm even wearing pants right now which is really weird. So that's all I've been up to.
I have no clue what the temperatures are or what they're going to be, but  it has been being a bit cooler in the evenings which has been nice.
I hope all is going great with y'all and I love you lots!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Breaking News Flash!!!

Padre Wells received a call from the Phoenix Arizona Mission Home.
"There's nothing wrong with your daughter, we just need to get some information
"1. What airport will Hermana Wells be flying in to when she comes home?
"2. Will Richard DeVries still be the Stake President?
"We are currently anticipating her return on January 10, 2012."

August 15, 2011- Another week of work

Good Morning (or afternoon, depending on what State you're in) Family,

Now you might be wondering why this is coming to you on a Monday instead of Tuesday, and that's because our old District Leader didn't tell us that p-day was only changed to Tuesdays on the week of transfers, and will still be on Monday every other week. The Wickenburg missionaries where the only ones not informed of that, so we and the Elders up here were having p-day on Tuesdays.  We just found out that that isn't how it's supposed to be. 
Sooo, Wednesday- We had District meeting in Wickenburg and we learned all about working with our leaders and making sure that all is getting done that needs to be done in the missionary aspect. Then all of our appointments fell through and so we used our backup plans, thank goodness for backup plans.
Thursday- We went to check in on Frank since we hadn't been able to see him in a few weeks since he'd been sick, and we found out he's in the hospital and not doing so great. We're really praying that he will be alright and that he will get better. We also went on splits and I went to all of the Spanish ones and had lots of fun since the lady that came with me doesn't know any Spanish. The Lord really does bless his missionaries with the ability to learn another language!
Friday- We got our oil changed...again and so we took our bikes with us so that we could be out and about while they were doing their thing and changing our oil. We had a great time knocking on some doors, and then we had a great evening with some investigators and recent convert lessons. Then we where walking down the street in downtown Wickenburg and, as we were walking, we walked right by a Tarantula! It didn't move or anything, but I was on one side of it and Hna. Overy was on the other side, so it was right between us. Hna. Overy freaked out! She hates spiders so very much and she was freaking out, but she had to calm down a bit very quickly since there was a man that we had to talk to. Then we had to walk by that same place in order to get to our truck and she didn't want to, but it was gone by then. So, I've seen a tarantula, a scorpion, a coyote and a road runner! Now I just have to see a rattlesnake and then I'll have had the true Arizona experience.
Saturday- We went out and visited Robert, who is preparing to be baptized, as soon as he quits smoking. Then we were able to find Dawn, who had been MIA for a while, and we didn't know where she was living, but we found her with the help of some members who had been helping her out. Then we rode our bikes for a while and knocked on some doors down in Wittman.  We found this awesome guy who, when we gave him a Book of Mormon pass along card, said that the picture on it was dope and I told him that there was an even doper story that went with it. He was so cool!  Not really interested, but funny to talk to. We also had dinner with a part-member family who we love so very much.  They're so very cute together. The husband says he wants to be tied up with his wife forever (aka sealed) and the only thing stopping them is the fact that he's not baptized, so we're trying to help them out with that.
Sunday- We had church and spoke in Spanish. Then we had a Spanish lunch and ate ceveche, which I am not a fan of, and that is how I found out, by eating it. It's like a pico de gallo with seafood in it and not my favorite Spanish dish, but we ate it and we had good company. Then we had a dinner right after that with another part-member family whose son is investigating the church, and he said he'd live the Word of Wisdom, which is fantastic. Then we were able to study a lot, like we do every day and then we took our progress record over to our Ward Mission Leader's house. While there, we found out that his wife had been called as a Seminary teacher earlier that day. Seminary started today, so she was frantically trying to get ready. I told her that Mom loves the Old testament and that she taught it twice and has some great lesson ideas. I also gave her the home phone number, so she's going to call you about getting some ideas for Seminary lessons. I kinda forgot that Dad is CURRENTLY teaching Seminary and that she could talk to the two of you...but if you get a call from an Arizona number, you'll know why. That's pretty much my life right now. How are things in other parts of the States? How is getting ready to move from Washington to the Midwest? How is moving from Michigan to Ohio? How is Seminary going? How is school (wait, when does school start, because it already started down here?) How is the job hunting going? I hope all is well for y'all! I love you all so very much.

photo 1- i like to climb rocks and what not

photo 2- a ceramic tarantula that we'd taken a picture with the day before we saw the real thing...and the real one was somewhat close to this one. I think they're friends.

August 9, 2011- A Westerner's take on humidity

Dear Family,
Well, I never knew how much humidity sucks and how much hotter it makes things. I guess that comes from living in a very humid state for most of my life. August is technically cooler than June and July (by about 5-10 degrees) but it feels like it's hotter than those months since we have about 20 - 30 % humidity. I know, I've become a sissy! But anyway, Hna. Overy and I are having fun doing missionary work and trying to learn the language together.
On Wednesday- We talked to some people and taught some lessons. Then we were able to see Susan S. again, who had been in the East for 2 months, and we taught her about the Word of Wisdom. She said she'd give up smoking but she's not ready to give up her coffee just yet. At least she's starting and that will help.
Thursday - We had weekly planning and we had district meeting, so there were lots of times spent indoors.  But it was all good since we were able to go on splits that evening.  I went to see the people who speak Spanish and Hna. Overy taught the English-speaking people.
Friday- I wasn't feeling so great in the morning since its cold / flu time here randomly and well, we talk to everyone. So I took a nap in the morning and Hna. Overy went out with someone (we live at a member's house so the member was my companion while I was home) and taught a lesson. When she came back I was feeling better so we went out and taught some people.
Saturday- Some of our plans fell through, but we had some backups.  One of our backups decided to confess some sins to us, which was kinda weird, but that happens a lot to missionaries. Then we had a great lesson with Robert and he said "yes" to being baptized in Sept! Its' pretty awesome!
Sunday- We went to church and then we did some studying and then we did some preaching.
Monday- We had coordination and we also had a lesson with Tyesha.  She's doing really well and planning to get married to her boyfriend next week.  The week after that she's going to be baptized!  A lot of great things are happening here in Wickenburg. Then we were able to do some service for a family friend of a member, and it was lots of fun. They had some little kids that wanted to help and they were so cute!  Then we had an awesome lesson with a less active who is coming back to church and he's going to get the priesthood next month! It's just awesome. So that's what I've been up to so far this week. I loved getting some pictures from you, and yes mom, I did get the package that you sent me. It got here just after I emailed y'all. Thank you so much for doing all of that sewing for me. I tried to make it as easy as possible for you by ripping out all seams that needed ripping because I know you're a busy lady. Plus  I loved the pictures that you sent me of the Art Walk. Sometimes I was confused by the artwork, but that's normal. Sorry to say, thoug,h that you've got nothing on Stephanie Rhodes--she sent me 88 pictures last week (covering her whole summer, including trips to China and Europe). So, I got lots of pictures last week and I loved it. I love you all lots and lots. I miss you and take care.

August 2, 2011- Transfer results

Dearest family,
How are you this fine week? I have been crazy busy with lots of meetings and whatnot this past week, so let me tell you about it.
Last Wednesday we had a transfer meeting and I got a new companion! Her name is Kaydee Overy, she came straight from the MTC, and she is from Wyoming. She's been learning Spanish for the past 9 weeks, so we get to learn together. After we got out of our transfer meeting we stopped by the house, ate some lunch and then had some apartments to go to which were pretty good, two of them being in Spanish. Then, after that, we came back home to explain some stuff and so that she could unpack a little and get settled in.
Hermana Wells and Hermana Overy

Thursday- We did some weekly planing and had some appointments and had the chance to knock some doors. We were also able to go out with a member for part of the day, which was really nice.
Friday- We had District Meeting for a while and were able to stop by and visit a less active lady who is so fun to talk to. So that was really nice. Then we had dinner at a part member's house and it was delicious.
Saturday- We went to the new Stake Center Open House and were there for quite a while because we were stationed at one of the booths in case people wanted to talk to us about what Mormons believed. We then did some studying and then a lesson with Susan Stumps who had just gotten back into town after being gone for two months! Then that evening the Elders had a baptism so we were there and I was able to translate from Spanish to English. Afterward there was a fiesta and so we went to that with all the members and investigators that had come to the baptism.
Sunday- We had church, as always, and I got to translate a few times. Then we had studying to do and some knocking and lessons and it was a really good day.
Monday- We had coordination...for 2 hours! Then we had some door knocking which is lots of fun and some lessons. It's been humid so I think I'm about to die because it just makes it feel so much hotter! But in reality it's cooled off to about 110. That's all that's been going on with me. I hope all is well with all of you.
Mom and Andra, I hope you have fun at girls camp this year!
I love you all lots.

July 26, 2011- Transfer news

Ok Family,
This is going to be short cuz we've got 20 minues to email.
Maria Tepeyac was baptized this last Sunday after church and will be getting confirmed this Sunday. Every one is freaking out since they've been working with her for awhile but Hna. J and I just thought she was golden. Today we got our hair cut and I'll send you pictures later.  Then we went to Nana's with Sara and Ilene, some of the most amazing ladies in the ward! Hna. J is going to be transferred tomorrow and I'm going to be training again, so we'll find out who tomorrow and where Hna J is going to go. That's all the news for now. I love you lots and lots! Oh, and I was wondering if you could take a pic of the whole Teeter's family together when you see them beausec I have zero pictures of them as a family. Ok, I love and miss you lots.

July 22, 2011- It's been a long time! Sorry

Hna Graves, Jeanfreau, Okesen, and Wells

Dear Family,
So last week, as we were looking through our plans for the next week, we discovered that we had pretty much a full day planned for Monday, so we called our DL's and asked if we could change our p-day to Friday this week so we'd actually be able to do some grocery shopping and prepare. They said "yes" and that's why you were uninformed about this random change.  So, I've got a lot to update you on, almost two weeks! 
Last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - We had a lot of appointments and we've been able to get members to them, which has been good, so we've been staying busy and our investigators have been progressing.
On Thursday night I went down to the Agua Fria area and Hna. Okesen came up to Wickenburg for exchanges. So I was down there with Hna. Graves and I havent' seen so many houses and buildings in about 4.5 months (aka since I've gotten to Wickenburg) It was a lot of fun, Hna Graves was companions with Hna. Jeanfreau in the MTC so they're the same "age" in the mission.
Saturday- We had a Windows of Heaven planned, which was fun, and then we had dinner at an old investigator's house.  She's just as interested as she's ever been, but her boyfriend is a bit more interested I think. I'm not sure if they're interested in being baptized, but he wants to learn more about the religion.
Sunday- We went to church, which was awesome, and then we had an appointment with Levi Gordon Lee (David Bowie look alike) and he now knows when they're getting married and he has a date! The only problem is that the date is before the wedding and since they live in the same house he'll need to be baptized after he's married even though they're living the law of chastity. We also got to have lunch at a member's house and one of the Elders' investigators was there.  She is just so fantastically awesome and so ready to be baptized and she's just so excited for it. Then we took our investigator, Maria Tepeyac, to a baptism service in Surprise since that's the only service before her baptism this Sunday. It's been a total whirlwind thing with her, since she called us and said she wanted to meet with missionaries again.  Then the next day after we saw her and gave her a baptism date she moved to Mesa, so we sent her as a referral to the Mesa missionaries. Then two weeks ago she moved back into our area and she still was getting ready for the 23rd of July, so we've been going with that. It's been crazy, but she's so ready for it.
Monday- We worked, worked, worked and half of our appointments fell through, but we had backup plans so it all worked out.
Tuesday- We had a Zone meeting in Surprise in the morning and then Maria T had her baptismal interview right after that.  Then we went back to Wittman and had things to do down there. It's just been busy!
Wednesday- We had lots of things, like always, and one of the girls in our Ward who's getting ready to go on a mission (she's going to Denver, CO) came with us for the afternoon to get a feel for what missionary work is like. I hope she had a good time and learned a lot, and she said that she did.
Thursday- We had Ward coordination at 8, District meeting at 10:30, a lesson with Tyeshia, which was awesome since we were going to talk to her about the law of chastity, but before we ever got to it she told us that she want to get married to her baby's daddy before she's baptized! How awesome, right!?! Then we weekly planned forever and then had more lessons and tracting to do. Pretty much we keep busy and are going to start setting up splits with the RS and YW when we can, so we have more time to find people. How has life been for y'all? Are you at YC yet or am I a week off? Dad, how are you feeling? Better, I hope!
I love you all soo much!!!

July 11, 2011- Wow

Hello Family, how are you this lovely morning?
As I got on the computer, on the home page it said that at 11 am the temperature is 97, which is pretty normal. We're actually in the "humid" months and I have no clue what that really means. But anyway, I've been having a great week so far. Last week we emailed you early (we live at a member's house and have permission to email on their computers, so holidays don't affect us) and then we had a few lessons in the middle of the day.  We had a District activity up here in Wickenburg, which was a lot of fun. The Elders here organized a scavenger hunt so the other missionaries could get to see a lot of downtown Wickenburg and it was so funny! Then we had more p-day stuff to do and were busy.
Tuesday- We had district meeting early in the week and then we did some "Windows of Heaven" where we tell the Lord where we're going to knock and how many people we are going to find and it's like an appointment with the Lord and it went really well. That night we went to Anita's for dinner, which is a really great Mexican restaurant, with some members.
Wednesday- We had lots of lessons and were really busy driving and tracting. I've started to use an umbrella as we tract and Hna. J thinks that I'm crazy, but it keeps me cool.  She likes to use it sometimes, too, but her Oregon pride won't let her have her own umbrella.
Thursday- We had weekly coordination in the morning and then we had an appointment with Tyeshia, who is doing great after she had her baby. Then we had weekly planning and then we had splits to visit lots of people down in Wittman, so it was a long and somewhat busy day.
Friday- We had to wake up really early to go to Interviews and meet President Taylor. He is really different than President Beck. I'm not sure how to explain the difference between the two but they are different, but neither one is better than the other. Pres. Taylor is like a great big teddy bear and has a little less formal style of teaching and least to get to know us. Then the rest of the day we had a ton of appointments.
Saturday- Lots more appointments and talking to people and one of our investigators who we had talked with a month ago just moved back from Mesa and is getting ready to be baptized in two weeks! There was a lot to do, but a lot of it was really fun and exciting.
Sunday- Just like the rest of the week. Busy busy! Church, lessons, dinner at a member's house, tracting and all that fun missionary stuff. So, I've heard that The Teeters Family is going to visit the Midwest again, Yeah! I'm excited that the family gets to kidnap William for a little while and I wish I was there to spoil him. I love you all lots and have fun with Youth Conference and Girls Camp coming up and all that stuff.

Photo 1- Part of our picture scavenger hunt

photo 2- Our whole District in a tree

photo 3- I tried to cook a cupcake in the microwave and I forgot that the measuring cup was plastic and would melt and I over estimated how long a microwave cupcake would take to cook. Needless to say, our whole kitchen was filled with smoke in 3 minutes.

July 4, 2011- Hello, hello, Hello, hello

Hey Family,
Another week has passed and p-day is here again. So, I shall start with an update of my week.
Tuesday- we had coordination which was long and then we taught a few lessons to some awesome investigators. Then we knocked some doors, and it was hot outside, but that's not new anymore. Then we went and did some sewing service.
Wednesday- We had District meeting in Surprise and that was good, but for some reason the whole day everything just kept going wrong. Actually more than just the whole day but the whole week. I guess that's what happens when you study diligence for the week. Many of our normally very solid appointments fell through, but we still had things to do and we just kept on working.
Thursday- We weekly planned in the morning and then were out and about teaching lessons, and we got new tires on the truck because the rest had low tread and had a really great lesson with one of our newer investigators.
Friday- We did splits and my lesson went pretty well, but Hna. Jeanfreau's wasn't that great. We learned that one of our investigators isn't so interested anymore, but at least now we know.
Saturday- We had waffles at a member's house whose son isn't a member and had a lesson with him. He's going to start reading the Book of Mormon. Then we had some studying to do and some more knocking and lessons and that was that. We forgot an appointment we had with the Elders but we were still able to meet with them.
Sunday- We went to church and the Spanish group up here had their very first sacrament meeting! Woo who! we were so excited, but I had to go to the English-speaking meeting with one of our investigators. Then we did lots of studying and lots of tracting so it was overall a pretty good Sunday. A guy told us that God and Jesus Christ aren't perfect and he knows because he prayed about it. He said he believes in the Bible, but couldn't understand that he was contradicting himself because the Bible says that God is perfect. Oh well. So that was my week and this week looks like it's going to be better, but I'm not sure if it'll be any cooler. We'll see, but I've got lots of water so I'll be safe. I love you!

June 27, 2011 - Did you know that Arizona is HOT?

The District at the Zoo!

Dear Family,
Well, these last few days have been very fun and hot! So, it hasn't been that long since I've written to you, but on Saturday we went to a member's house and washed her windows for her birthday and got to meet her non-member husband, so we really enjoyed that. Then we invited some of our investigators to the baptism that the Elders where having that day. For some reason we thought it would be good to try and save miles and use our bikes. We're never going to do that again!  We'd rather just go over on miles. When we got to the church building I guess I was bright red for about 20 minutes, but I was totally fine. I then translated the baptism from Spanish to English for the gringos, which wasn't as difficult as from English to Spanish. Then we had a pretty good lesson with an investigator named Robert who is really genuine and just wants to know what's true. Then we had a meeting with the Elders and then we slept.
On Sunday we went to church and Ward Council beforehand and then we had a lunch at a very recent convert's house (she'd been baptized the day before). We did some studies and then we had dinner at a member's house and they were really cool. Then we had some more studies and then it was time for Monday. Today we went to the zoo! We saw lions and tigers and the Elders touched a panther, giraffe, sting ray, shark, star fish, lobster, antelope, and had a water bottle stolen by a monkey. Elders are crazy, but really funny. So that's what I've been up to the past few days and such. We've been working really hard but the best part of it is that you can see the results. The changes that come to people's live are amazing when they just take the time to do the simple things every day, like read the scriptures and pray. And then going to church every Sunday is important because it's where we receive personal revelation for our lives. It doesn't matter if you live in a crazy Ward, the Holy Ghost is still there and can still give you answers to prayers. I love you all so much!

June 24, 2011- Happy preparation day to me! and happy birthday to everyone else!

Hermana Jeanfrau and me with President and Sister Beck

Dear Family,
Ok, So you're getting an email late in the week because we've changed our p-day to Friday for this week only so that we can go to the temple! Yeah! I'm so excited to go today. So, I've got to make this quick because we've got to be out of here in about 30 min.
So, I shall start with last Tuesday. We had quite a few appointments during the day and we were pretty busy. We had to change around our studies to be able to get everything in, but it all worked out.
Wednesday- We had a great lunch with a less active family and we're trying to figure out what to do to help them to come back to church. They really want to feel welcomed there. Then we had some more lessons and such. Thursday and Friday were pretty much the same. We're keeping really busy with lots of lessons and we're going to start to try and get splits organized so that we can get everything we need to done.
Saturday- Was really good. Lessons, dinner at a member's house.
Sunday- We did a lot of tracting and thinking about our fathers. We also tried to get our investigators to come to church and it kinda worked...for some of them.
Monday was a work day and we met a newish sister in the ward and she's really nice and served a mission in Ohio, working in the office.
Tuesday- We tried to spend most of it in Wittman, but it only sort of worked, but things worked out fine.
Wednesday was Jessica and Andra's Birthday!!  We had a zone conference almost all day, but it was wonderful! Then yesterday we had District meeting and lots of lessons. But pretty much we've been keeping busy all this week and this week we'll have gone to Phoenix, Surprise and Mesa. It's been crazy but really good. I love you all so much and will write to you again on Monday!

June 13, 2011- And another Transfer begins!

Hey Family,
We got transfer news this morning. No one in our whole district was transferred, which is funny since one set of Elders has been together for 6 months now. ha ha. They love it here in Wickenburg.  Anyway, this week:
Tuesday- We had quite a few lessons that we were able to have members come with us to and then we went to Wittman for a little bit and did some quilting. I was still cutting the fabric but I'll get to maybe start sewing tomorrow. It was a pretty chill day.
Wednesday- We had District meeting and that was pretty fun. E' Angelos (one of our ZL) was there because he wanted to say goodbye to us since it was his last DM with us because he went home today. Then we met a new investigator who was a referral from a member who is not in our Ward but still awesome. We talked to Esther and her kids in the church and we're hoping that she'll get the courage and support she needs from her family to be baptized next month. She's more than ready but she just doesnt' know it yet.
Thursday- We weekly planned all morning and part of our companion studies we went to the Family History Center in our Ward and learned about the area so we could take some of our recent converts there. I got on to do a little so that we'd be able to explain it better and guess what I found out? According to when I looked at my family pedigree it said that uncle Storm died in 1994. How crazy, right? I told the lady that he is not dead and she said that dad could call the Family History Center in SLC and let them know and that they would change it. Also, it does not have Great Grandma on there at all! So, it looks like her genealogy hasn't been done? I'm not sure but this stuff is addicting! Anyway, we went to some lessons and things like that in the afternoon and had fun working.
Friday- We had a trainer/ trainee meeting in Glendale and we were able to talk about the new training program and how it's going.  Then we split up and talked about how crazy trainees are and they talked about how crazy trainers are, so we had a good time all around. Then we went and got our oil changed and then had appointments all afternoon. We've just been busy.
Saturday- We used our bikes in the mid morning and had lots of fun and then we went out to Morristown and used our bikes out there. We've come to realize that we now think that 90 is kinda cool and nice. And that's just the beginning!
Sunday- We had church and then we went to see Frank, who is amazing. He's going to be baptized in two weeks! Then we did some studies, had a meeting with the Bishop and then had a dinner appointment. It was so good and nice to have Dawn to get to know another family in the Ward. Then we had to go home and finish up our studies. Today has been the most chill p-day in a while. No trips to Surprise or anything, but still really busy. Ok, this is a picture of where we've been tracting. I know, I have an awesome area. Ok. How's life been for all of you? I hope you're all doing good. Remember it's Father's Day this Sunday!! Shhh, don't tell Dad, but I think he's the best Dad EVER! Ok.
I love you all lots.

My tracting area.

June 6, 2011- I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!

Hermana Wells learns how to be a Cowgirl!

Dear Family,
Oh how I love being on a mission! I was lying in bed a few nights ago and I realized that very soon I will be halfway through my mission, and I'm trying to figure out what type of missionary I want to become and what type of person I want to be when I get home. I've seen so many people out here that the gospel could really help, and it's amazing the change you see in people as they actually live the principles of the gospel and follow their Savior. I hadn't ever really known of the difference that it makes in my life since I've always had it, but by looking at Dawn, who just was baptized, and Frank, who is learning so much and is getting ready for baptism, I've seen how much happier it's made them and the change for the better that it has made in their lives. It's amazing how much we can take our knowledge for granted. Hna. Jeanfreau likes to say, "I'm amazed as how blinded I am by my blessings", meaning that sometimes it's hardest to turn to God when things are going so well.
So, this week, starting with last Monday- We had Frank over for dinner with the Hancock's and dinner was delicious. Then we ran over and saw Maria and Ester. Tuesday- We saw Tyeshia and she met one of the members who's her age and they really got along well. Then we had a bunch of different appointments. Wednesday- Wasn't too different except we got a nail in our tire so we had to go and get it patched. Then we found out that Frank had gotten blood poisoning from a dog bite he'd gotten and was in the hospital. Thursday- Sister Beck came out with us and we had a fantastic day. We invited three people to be baptized and they said yes! Frank was home from the hospital and we talked with him about priesthood blessings. Later that night Brother Hancock and Brother Neal went over and gave Frank a blessing. Friday- We had a District meeting and then a bunch of appointments. Saturday- We saw the Phoenix Temple ground breaking (it was broadcast to Wickenburg) and then we went out and worked all day. It was really nice. Sunday- We went to PEC in the morning and then church. Afterward we broke our fast and then we went over to the Ward Mission Leader's house.  His wife had made a 14-layer cake and she gave us a piece. Then we went over to one of our investigator's houses and they gave us pasole and then we rode our bikes up this massive hill to get home. That was the worst idea ever! We had a lesson with Frank and he's doing great! That night Frank's brother called us (he's a member) and told us that he's so excited that Frank is going to be baptized and that he's going to fly down from Alaska to be able to baptize him! We're so super excited about that!! Today we had a District activity where we went to a park, played sand volleyball (which pretty much burnt our feet), lava tag, freeze tag and then we threw a watermelon around. We got bored kinda easy. Then we went shopping and came back and are currently cooking banana bread and zucchini bread. It's been a busy day.

How have you all been? How are Michigan and Washington doing? I love you all very much!
