Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16, 2011- Yo quiero ser un misionara ya!

Yo quiero ser un misionara ya!

May 16, 2011

Hello Wells (and Teeters) Family!
How have all of you been? How is your week going so far? I know, it’s only Monday.

Last Monday we had a great lesson with one of our investigators, Levi, and we invited him to choose a marriage date so we'd have a better idea of when he'll be getting baptized.

On Tuesday we had coordination and then we went tracting and found an awesome new investigator who seems really interested in learning about baptism and how she can have peace and happiness in her life. Her name is Tyesha. We had some other cool lessons on Tues. and we met with Susan (she reminds me of great grandma) and she is going to Indiana until mid to late June so we hope she comes back with a testimony just as strong. Shucks, it stinks when your investigators leave just as they start to make some progress. Then we went and did some more sewing of quilts and I'm starting a new one! It’s going to look great.

Wednesday- We had district meeting in the morning and are working on inviting people to be baptized in our first contact with them. It’s a learning experience. Then we had a really good lesson with Maria about why she doesn't want to be baptized and she just wants more time. We then had lots of fun tracting in Wittmann for the rest of the day.

Thursday- We were able to see Tyesha again, and she'd read like we'd asked her to and she just has lots of questions, which we love. We then had to do weekly planning (somehow that seems to come around somewhat often) and then we were able to visit some more people, mostly less active members.

Friday- We did a LOT of tracting in the morning and tried to find lots of less active members. We also had to drop one of our investigators because he didn't want to change at all. He said he was too old, but no one is too old to change!

Saturday- We went and knocked some more doors and then we had a meeting with the Relief Society President. Then we had some good lessons and found a few people.

Sunday- We went to Ward Council and then we went to church where they all talked about missionary work in Priesthood and Relief Society, and so I'm hoping that more people will get excited about the work in this area. We met with the Bishop and his family and sort of got to know them, since I'd only talked to the Bishop in passing. They're a really nice family. Then we had an appointment with this older guy named Frank, who is just this funny old guy who flirts with everyone. He cracks me up, but we're going to try to get a High Priest to come with us next time.

And today, Monday, we washed the car in the morning and did studies. Then we had appointments from 11-2 and then we went with a member, Jessica, to Surprise and had some fun and Hna. J bought some more colorful shirts since she has a lot of black and white stuff. I'm doing fine on shirts and skirts. I'm getting bored with button ups and layering but what can you do? Mom, I might send you a shirt that I got that is super cute but a little too small for me, but I love the style and material. I'll see what I can do since we're super busy a lot of the time. OK. I love you all so very much and miss you all!


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