Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 9, 2011- I love you best, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

I love you best, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

May 9, 2011

Hello again family! So I just talked to you yesterday and so I feel kinda silly writing to you since I'm not sure what else I have to say. This past week has been crazy and busy trying to take care of my new baby, Hna. Jeanfreau, but things are going really well.

Hna. Jeanfreau and Hna. Wells

Last week: Monday Hna. Ochocinski and I hiked up Vulture Peak (a nearby peak) in the morning before she had to go to the Mission Home. Then I took her to Glendale and stayed with some English speaking Sisters in El Mirage. I was with them until the transfer meeting when I met Hna. Jeanfreau. Then we packed up her things, drove home, and got to work. She was able to place her first Book of Mormon, which was an answer to my prayer on the drive home, since I had no clue how we were going to do that since I hate tracting at night and we didn't get back to Wickenburg until about 7:30pm. We spent the rest of the week tracting and going to a lot of different lessons and studying. We have an extra hour of companionship study 5 days a week.

Yesterday I got to talk to you on the phone!!! And I loved it so much. And then today we've just been preparing for the week, and we had a church tour at 9 which went really well. I'm not sure what else there is to say to you since I talked to y'all yesterday. I'll have more to talk to you about next week when I haven't just told you everything the day before. I'll leave you with some pictures of the hike and one of Hna. Jeanfreau and me. I love you!!!

Hna. Ochocinski and Hna. Wells hiked up Vulture Peak




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