Tuesday, May 17, 2011

April 25, 2011- Busy Week...like most weeks are

Busy Week...like most weeks are

April 25, 2011

Hey Family!

First off let me tell you that I love you all very much! Now that I've let you know that, I shall tell you about my week, as I know you are dying to know.

Monday- It was a chill preparation day where we taught some lessons and were missionaries.

Tuesday- It was my Appreciation Day so I opened the package I got from you and I loved it! Thank you so very much for the watch necklace, I love it! Especially since my regular watch wasn't working, but I discovered that it fixed itself and works again! Yeah for two watches! Also on Tuesday we had a Sister's meeting, which was wonderful since we were able to see all of the Sisters in the Mission, but more importantly, we saw all of the Hermanas! In truth, Hermanas are way different than Sisters. It’s kinda weird, but true. We had some lessons in the afternoon and then, in the evening, we went to do some quilting. They helped fix one of my skirts that was too big for me so that I could wear it, since it's super cute. (I got it from another Sister. Don't worry, Mom, the skirts you made me fit me perfectly!) And I also continued to make a quilt. It’s looking awesome and I'll send you a picture of it once it’s done.

Wednesday- We went to Correlation and talked about missionary work. Then we went to the Relief Society luncheon and got to know some of the members of the Ward better. Then we met with the RS President since I didn't really know her, and then we visited a member who lives up in the boondocks.

Thursday- I baked some banana bread in the morning while we did our weekly planning. Then we went to District meeting which is where I took the bread since I was in charge of the refreshments, seeing as we no longer will be having District lunch after the meetings. Then we drove home and went to a surprise party that was held by some members and investigators. Then we went home and studied until the Hermanas from Agua Fria were here, because we were going on exchanges with them. Hna. Ochocinski left and Hna. Okeson stayed here with me.

Friday- Spent the whole day with Hna. Okeson tracting and teaching lessons and just learning from her. Then we drove down to the Agua Fria area and ate dinner at Waldo's Tacos, a great taco stand that feeds missionaries for free. Then Hna. Ochocinski and I drove home.

Saturday- I opened the package that I got from you and was pleasantly surprised to find a dozen chocolate eggs for Easter. Happy Easter to us! We had some plans to do a lot of tracting, but my throat had been sore for about two weeks so I called Sister Beck and she told me to go to Urgent Care (which is pretty much a doctor’s office that's always open). The closest one was in Surprise, so we drove down there and they looked at my throat and told me I did NOT have strep. That I just had some bacteria that was hanging out back there making it sore and red, so they gave me an antibiotic for it and I'm feeling much better now.After having that fun we taught some lessons and re-extended a baptismal date. It was a pretty good day, except we weren't able to get too much done.

Sunday- We went to church, and then ate lunch. Then we went out to Wittmann to find a referral we had received. He was home and he is wonderful and wants to see us again and ask us more questions. Then the program "The Savior of the World" was being broadcast in Spanish, so we went to the church building with a bunch of our investigators and we watched that. Then we came home and did our morning studies. And today we're going to go party it up in Surprise at a District P-day activity, which should be lots of fun.

How are things in Mich? Still snowy? How is Washington? My companion is going to be there in about a week! Next week I'll be able to tell you if I'm staying here in Wickenburg, and if I'm training. Crazy. We've heard that four Hermana's are going to be coming in this transfer, so almost everyone will be training. I love you all so very much!


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