Sunday, June 5, 2011

May 23, 2011- lots of time not in wickenburg

Dear Loved ones,
This week has been kinda crazy, seeing as about 5 of the days we had very little time to proselyte. Let me tell you all about it. Tuesday- We went to see Tyesha in the morning and she is just wonderful. She read, and she had questions and she really wants to learn about who Christ is and how He can help her in her life and the life of her baby. Then we had to drive all the way down to Glendale so that Hna. J could take the defensive driving test (she passed!!) and so now she will soon be certified to drive a mission vehicle. Then we went to a less active family's house and had dinner and tried to figure out why they've stopped coming to church for the past 3 years. They're a really nice family. We were then able to meet with Dawn and talk to her about enduring to the end and continue preparing to be baptised this next weekend!

Wednesday- We had a specialized training until around 3 pm, and it was just great. We learned all about teaching the plan of salvation from just the large plates of Nephi and we also learned how the area book is super important. Also, during lunch guess who I saw?! Well, Elder Waynick of course but also, Sister Connet! The Hill Street Bishop's wife. How crazy is that?! This is a really small world!
Hermana Wells and Sister Connet
One of our zone leaders talked about sacrifice. How it's not doing something we don't want to do or just giving up something we want, but how it's giving up something good for something better. How when we sacrifice something good, the Lord will give us something better. We then had a million hours of studying (we study for 4 hours every day)  and we visited Maria and talked with her about the plan of salvation.
Thursday- We weekly planned in the morning and then we went to district meeting in the afternoon. As we were getting ready to leave DM, we were looking at our day, and everyone had left. All of a sudden at least 10 police cars and a SWAT car came into the parking lot and we had no clue what to do. We asked them if we could leave and they said we could in just a minute. Apparently they were all just regrouping, in the LDS parking lot. After they drove away we waited a few minutes and then we left. It was so random and weird. We then went tracting and talked to some people, and checked on some people. Then we studied a bit.

Friday- In the morning we studied and then we surfed because we're supposed to every week. Then  we visited some people and taught some lessons. We cleaned a member's bathrooms since she'd had a baby a few weeks ago and her other baby had been sick and her parents in law are going to be coming to town. After that, Dawn had her baptismal interview. She's so ready to be baptised!

Saturday- We rode our bikes around town in the afternoon to visit people and then we had a Mexican fiesta with most of our investigators. We then had an appointment in Wittmann, so we drove down there to see Lydia.

Sunday- We had Stake Conference in the morning and it was GREAT! Elder Paul V. Johnson was there, and they released Pres. Hancock (we live in his basement) and called a new Stake President. Elder Johnson talked about how there is a flood of evil in the world today, but we can be safe. We are the only ones who can let the flood of evil in, but if we are true to the covenants we've made, we will be safe. It was a really good talk.  Also, Sunday was Melanie's Birthday! Happy Birthday, Mel! So I didn't plan as well as I could have and I'm going to mail your present today, so I'm super sorry that it is late. Also, I'm not 100% sure of your actual address so I'm just going to send it to the parents' house. Ok. I love you all and hope you're all doing well!

p.s. MOM, could you send me your granola recipe real quick. I'd love it! Thanks.

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