Tuesday, May 17, 2011

April 18, 2011- The Hills are alive, with the sound of music! That’s the first phrase that came into my mind...

The Hills are alive, with the sound of music! That’s the first phrase that came into my mind...

April 18, 2011

Dear Wells people (and Teeters),
How have you all been doing? I shall update you on my weekly events! Last Monday I forgot that I had put my watch in my cargo pants pocket when we were painting a house and then I washed those pants. Needless to say, my watch has died. Sad, I know, but I'm living without it. It just means that I won't have a watch tan line when I get home.

Tuesday- we did a lot of contacting, which we've been doing a lot more since we're trying to find some more investigators. That evening we went to the quilting club thing and I started to make a quilt. Hna Ocho finished her first quilt ever! She was so excited and this week she gets to make the sandwich and continue with it. It’s the first thing she's ever sewn so she's super excited. That evening I started to feel sorta sick, like a cold / flu so I went to bed, and decided to just get sick instead of keeping on fighting it off.

Wednesday- We went to Zone Conference and it was wonderful! We got a ride from Brother and Sister Lyon who will be starting to work in the mission office on June 1. We talked a lot about giving church tours, or showing investigators around the church before Sunday so they'll feel comfortable later on in the week. Then I received a blessing from my District Leader since I wasn't feeling too good, and it was a great blessing.  When we got home I slept and have been working on feeling better. All things are in the Lord's time.

Thursday- I was still feeling kinda sick, so I slept for most of the afternoon and then we visited a few people and had some great lessons.

Friday- We had a fantastic District Meeting in Wickenburg and it was amazing. Elder Bell said he'd been thinking about that District meeting since he found out he was going to be our District Leader. We talked about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis and how they made covenants with the Lord, and how we need to consecrate our time here on the Mission. It was a really amazing lesson.

Saturday- We had been planning to go to the Easter Pageant, but all of our progressing Investigators couldn't make in so we were unable to go. (We found out later that since we had potential investigators and recent converts that we could have gone. Oh well.) So instead, we tracted and did our weekly planning that we'd missed due to me sleeping all that day.

Sunday- We went to church, and then checked up on some people that we hadn't seen in a while to see if they're alright and if they're still interested in learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then the day was done, so we came home and did numbers and planned for today. Being a missionary is so much fun. They told us some dates for meetings this week and then ended up changing most of them since they tried to have everything on the same day. Silly APs. First we had exchanges on Tuesday, but now we have a Sister's meeting on that day so exchanges are now on Friday. And then they tried to have a Zone Conference on Tuesday, but since there are quite a few Sisters in this zone they had to postpone that. Ha-ha Elders.

Mom, quick question. Do you know someone named Tammie Dorsey? She might have been in your Ward when you were about 10-14? She's a member out here and she was living in Farmington, NM at about that time in her life, and she says that there were a lot of Knudsens out there and that a Nancy Knudsen sounds very familiar to her. Her sister's name is Debbie Dorsey, if you know her. Haha, that would be so funny. Ok, I love you all so much and will write you next week!


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