Saturday, April 17, 2010

Missing the modern conveniences- March 29, 2010

Women in El Salvador washing clothes in the river.

Oh my amazing family! You all really are the best family that I´ve ever had.

As the subject would imply, I miss washers and dryers like no other. We have to wash our own garments and that is in a stone sink and it takes for ever, but at least it makes it so my forearms are getting strong.

This week has been really chill, with not very much going on. We´ve gone with our DL´s a few times to help them with one of their investigators who doesn´t want to talk with them so much, but is alright with talking to the sister missionaries. We visited them twice and are going to stop by again this week and make some cookies with them. On Saturday we helped out with a YM/YW´s activity and that was a lot of fun. Other than that, we talk to people in the street, make appointments and then find out that they are phony addresses and such. Oh well, all in a week´s work.

Oh, just so you know, Mom, I always get your emails, the week that you thought I didn´t get your email I did. Sorry that my letter sounded like I didn´t.

This week is a week of vacation for pretty much everyone in El Sal because of Easter...I didn´t know that that was this week. Haha. Anyway, I´ll write you all again next week. I love you all so very much.

Love, Brea

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