Monday, March 22, 2010

Another week and another baptism

Hello People I love,
This week has been completely crazy! Last week Hna. Torres and I went with Hna Rivas (she´s the wife of Elder Rivas who is in the Seventy) to her hair dresser to get a haircut because hair dressers here are kind of ridiculous and he was supposed to be really good. He was alright, but cut way more of my hair than I wanted, because I just wanted an inch or two off since I’ve been growing my hair out. It’s now impossible for me to put my hair in a pony tail just because the back is too short to reach. Also, it’s a bit longer in the front than in the back, kinda like Victoria Beckham´s hair, which I’d normally be alright with if it didn´t make it so I had to do my hair every morning.

On Tuesday our whole district went to a bunch of our various investigator´s houses and taught them. I´m not really sure why we all went together, but it made for a really busy and tiring day. That day we committed a man to be baptized on Saturday. Wednesday we had a multi-zone conference and Doc. McArthor, the doctor over all of Central America, was there and talked to us about being safe with food. Papi Pérez talked to us about keeping the rules and making sure we fill out our baptism forms correctly, someone hadn´t done their math right and had baptized a 7 year old.

Friday was hectic and on Saturday we were supposed to have a baptism but he got into an accident, so we had to postpone until Sunday morning. Sunday Morning we had the baptism and then we worked crazy hard that afternoon and then had some awesome dinner at a member´s house.

Today we played volleyball and then most of the Elders played soccer. We then went to our normal cyber café, but they didn´t have any power, so we had to come to central for one. That’s pretty much all that I´ve been up to this week. How has life been since mom got home? How have you all been? I love you all very very much!
Love, Brea

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