Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easter and General Confererence- April 5, 2010

Oh my goodness, this week has been completely crazy!

So, on Tuesday we moved apartments because our landlady thought that it was alright for her to enter the apartment whenever she wanted to and that's not alright, so we moved. We are now one building over and only on the 3rd floor now. Apparently here, the individual apartments are owned by different people.

This week was really hard for missionary work because every one is on holiday this week.  That means most people are on vacation and there's, like, no one in the streets. On Thursday and Friday there were processions, or Catholic parades for Easter. They had this glass casket kinda thing with a Jesus figure inside. Hna. Torres seemed kinda offended by the whole thing, but I kind of thought it was beautiful how they actually worshiped Christ at this time of the year instead of a rabbit.

Street painting for the Easter Procession (picture from Brea)
As most of you know this weekend was GENERAL CONFERENCE and it was awesome. Yes I did get to listen to it in English, in a side room with four other American missionaries. It was fantastic, but we always were like, "what's going on?" when we left the room and there was Spanish again. The Elders were totally funny to sit with for 8 hours--they´re totally crazy! We got little desks to use to write on and we felt all school-like and just had to take some pictures. Anyway, I absolutely love, love, loved Elder Holland´s talk. He´s so good at giving machete talks. When I heard Elder Anderson (of the Seventy) talk about the saints leaving Navuoo it reminded me about when we visited and walked down the Trail of Tears and how I cried the whole way...but that was because I had just gotten my fingers smashed in a car door.

Missionaries listening attentively to General Conference
When we got home from the Sunday sessions there was an awesome thunder storm. I absolutely love thunder storms. They always remind me of the time we all sat by the sliding glass door with the lights off and watched the storm and then we laid in the living room and listened to Bill´s thunderstorms CD. Oh gosh good time.

Anyway, that's pretty much how my week was. Today we had a pinata shaped like Barney that we smashed to pieces. Any who.
I love you all lots!
LOVE, Brea

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