Saturday, April 17, 2010

Three for Three- April 12, 2010

Hermanas Torres and Wells in a Mexican Resturant

Oh my goodness, this day has been on crack! But not really.

Let's start with earlier this week, though. After writing to you all we spent some time with one of the members from Ayutuxt because she´d been missing us really bad and President said it was alright.

Then, on Tuesday, we went to an inactive member's house and she was getting ready to cook some crab, which meant making sure they were dead and cleaning them.  So we helped her out with that and then she let us eat some and they´re sooo good.

Wednesday we hung out with our district leaders, had a run-in with the police, ate some Mexican food. HAHA. One of the police officers here is our district leader´s brother and so they saw each other and then gave Hna. Torres y yo a ride to go eat. We most definitely got some pictures with the El Salvadorian police.

Thursday was our last district meeting together, so it was kind of crazy and fun. The Elders started dancing and it was funny as all get out.

Friday we were supposed to go to the distribution center with our recent convert but he couldn´t show up, so we bought his Bible for him.

Saturday was completely nerve wrecking because at 10 p.m. we were told if we had changes (transfers) or not, and I did! But they wouldn´t tell me where.

Sunday was crazy, filled with packing, eating at people's houses, and church, where we had a bunch of investigators.

TODAY! We had to be at the church at 6 a.m., so we had to wake up at 4:30, but the coaster (the bus) didn´t get there until 7. a.m.  I´m now in my third area in three months, and yes, we were blinded again. I´m here in Aspiya II, San Vicente with Hna. Arroyo, and she was in Cuscatalan at the same time that I was, so I kind of know her. Oh, also I got a package from Dad today, as well as a manila envelope.  I´ve still yet to open them. Hmm, I´m not sure what else to say.

I love you all sooooooooooo much!
love, brea

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