Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aspiga…Dos April 19, 2010

Hermana Breanna's new haircut

Apparently I can never spell the name of my area right on the first try, but I’m in Aspiga II (hey I was only one letter off this time). Oh padres, thanks for the Appreciation day wishes. (We celebrate half-birthdays and call them Appreciation Days.- Padre) When I read them at first, I had to stop and figure out what month it is and realize that today is my appreciation day.

This week has been really good. We’ve had to get to know the area....again. It seems like when I’m feeling like I’m getting familiar with an area, I get moved to a new one, crazy sauce. The people here are so nice and so humble. We’ve had a jam- packed schedule and we just got here. Also, one of the investigators we inherited is ready for baptism this next Saturday! After her wedding of course. And one of the people we found this week has a date for baptism for the first of May! God has for sure prepared the people of San Vicente for the gospel. In reality all we’ve been doing this week is finding inactive members, finding out where our boundaries are and knocking doors. The first night here there was a scorpion in our bathroom and Hna Arroyo smashed it with her shoe, and then at a member’s house there was a bat that flew in. The mom was all cool about it but the daughter was freaking out, like me. Oh, yesterday Hna. Arroyo y yo completed 5 months in the mission! Hurray! haha, Hna Arroyo entered the MTC the same day that I did, and came to El Sal one change before me. She’s from Guatemala, is 25, and is super nice!

You remember the area in El Salvador where there was the flood/mudslide thing last October/November, well that is in my area. The people are living in tents in this one part of our area.

Oh my goodness Andra, you have a Facebook. Crazy sauce! If Mel wants to she can hack my Facebook and add her (if she remembers the password), or she can wait until I get home, like everyone else. Oh poor Rhonda the Honda (Melanie's car). She was a good car, but part of the plan of happiness is that we must all die. It’s a fact of life.

Thank you for all of your love and prayers. I pray for you all every day and miss you lots and lots. Have fun and remember that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true!


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