Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mi premero semana in El Salvador- January 25, 2010

K, you all write a lot! So, I´m here and I´m safe. My companion´s name is Hna. Torres and she is a native. Let me start from the beginning though. We flew all night and got to e El Salvador at about 7 in the a.m. We got to drive by and see the temple and it’s amazing. We then became legal in the country and that took forever. Did you know that when you´re set apart as a missionary that makes it so you can nap in the chapel? Apparently it does because they told us to find a bench and take a nap in there. Haha, then we had one of the mission doctors come and give us all a little check-up and that was alright. We went to the mission home and had some great food. Then the Hermanas went to one of the local Hnas.´ houses and stayed there for the night. The next day we got our companions, all of the gringos got a Latino companion and that’s how it is all of the time here. I´m serving in Atuxtepequi....that might be how it’s spelled. (It's spelled Ayutuxtepeque. The name is directly above the label for San Salvador in the map.)

We live with one of the members and it’s the best place to live in the mission. We have hot water, a washer and’s amazing! And a really big deal. We´ve been knocking doors because we were white-washed into this area and I don´t think it’s too bad. Maybe that’s because I have no clue what anyone says to me. I had papusas the other day and they´re sooo good. Um, the food here is alright but it´d be better if I didn´t gag every time I tried to eat raw tomatoes. (Yea, my biggest problem is with tomatoes and onions, fancy that.) Sacrament meeting was good, still didn't understand much, but that’s getting to be normal. I had to give my testimony, but I’m used to that. One of our investigators came to church! It was super cool.

I learned this morning that irons down here are a lot hotter than irons in the US, meaning that I melted a hole in one of my skirts this morning. How fun, but that will never happen again. Yep, sorry mom, I didn´t mean to, but just so you know it was not the awesome black one, but the super cool tan one. Um, my address is the one that I you have. That is the one you mail letters and packages to (if one happens to come my way, then peds would be greatly appreciated), because I guess we get transferred a lot, so this way we always get our mail no matter where we´re transferred to.

Just for the record, I have not yet felt any earthquakes. Hmm, I’m trying to think of if I’ve had any adventures. Nope, not really. But I do want to give a shout out thanks to Stephanie Rhodes for prepping me for down here. I love that girl to death! I’ve ridden on the busses (they´re more like vans), and they´re not too bad. My Mission Pres. is super cool and really nice. He´s actually in my ward that I’m serving in. His wife is so nice, too. Yep, that’s pretty much all I’ve been up to, knocking doors, teaching some people when my companion says key words which mean it’s my turn to talk in the little Spanish I know. But I’m super safe, trying to learn the language, and not letting my feet touch the ground at all. (See, Mom, I do listen to you.) I love you all lots and lots and can´t wait to hear more from you.

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