Friday, February 5, 2010

Life in El Sal- February 1, 2010

I love, love hearing from you! Just so you know. This week has been pretty good. More knocking doors, talking to people and trying to learn Spanish. I´m understanding a bit more, but figuring out ways to answer questions is crazy hard. I can´t even imagine what it’s like when the language has a completely different alphabet. We found some more investigators and one of them seems really ready to hear about the gospel. Oh, correction from last week´s email, the area I’m serving in is Ayutuxtepeque...or something a lot closer to that than what I said last week. I´ll tell you about a typical day here. We wake up at 6:30, go for a jog with the dogs that live at our house with us (yea, I’d forgotten that I’m slightly allergic to pets...which just means that I’m kinda extra tired and have a runny nose so it’s not too bad) then we go to get breakfast at the house of the lady who makes us breakfast and lunch. Then we go back home and shower and prep for the day, personal study time and companion study and then we´re off at 10. We tract or go to appointments until 12:30 when we have lunch and then we have an hour to study or do things that we need to (for me that is sleep due to dogs) and then we´re off again at 2 for more appointments and tracting and such until we come back. We have an hour somewhere to eat dinner and we´re back to the house by 8 for an hour of language study and then planning and then whatever until 10:30 when we go to sleep. That is the typical day in the life of a Mormon missionary.

Oh and this has nothing to do with the above, but whom ever has the packages that I mailed from the MTC, could you look in there and find the one letter from Marie. In that letter it tells me what Lauren´s address is and I would really like to write a letter to her, I’ve just had trouble getting her address. Also, the reason the BYU t-shirt is in there is because I love it so I do not want it to get ruined here in El Sal so I sent I back so it can be safe. Just so you know.

Oh an exciting thing that happened this week is that one of our investigators wants to be baptized! I’m not completely sure when this will happen, seeing as he has trouble with smoking, but it’s exciting news. I feel like there isn´t much more that I’ve been up to. I really love hearing from you and last week when I said that you all write a lot I didn´t mean that in a bad way, its soo good that you write a lot. What have ya'll been up to? How is seminary going? How’s the new bed? How’s college life? How’s work? How are the callings in church? It’s your jobs to figure out which questions are for who. Oh, question for ya’ll, does Andra have an email address yet, or no? I feel like I never hear from her or hear about her life. How is she? How’s school and such? I want to know! Love love love, Hna B. Wells

P.S. If any of you get this within the next 20 min. feel free to reply and we can have a short back and forth. Love ya!

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