Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wahaha! One week! January 11, 2010

Ok, I'm so very, very excited to present to you my travel plans for El Salvador! So, I have to leave the MTC at 4:30, in the PM and my plane leaves SLC at 6:47 pm. SO there might be some time between being dropped off at the airport and leaving where I can call. We get into LAX 8:53pm and have a layover until 11:55p, so definitely time to call then. Sorry it’s so late, but I didn't make the travel plans. We fly all night long and arrive in El Salvador San Salvador at 6:45am. When we first got our travel plans everyone in my district got theirs except my two companions Hna Stout y Hna Karl, so the next day we went down to the travel office and they found out that the system had dropped them, but they did have travel plans. My companionship is all on the same flights but we're not in the same travel groups. Hna Karl y Hna Stout are in the same group but I’m in a group with who I think are all people going to El Sal San Sal East.

Sister Dalton the YW pres came and spoke to us in RS yesterday and it was awesome! She spoke about virtue again but this time focused on being sexually pure. Then we had a really great sacrament meeting and a fantastic walk around the temple.
Hmm, what else did we do this week? I'm not really sure, other than the whole travel plans thing this week has been pretty mellow and not very much has happened. Well if it has then I can't remember. You'll find out, I'm going to send you a sweet packageish thing before I leave with some pictures in it.

So, I can mail the stuff I can't take with me (such as Melanie's coat) to jess for super cheep, so I’ll be doing that. Her meeting me at the temple/airport is against the rules. Pero, I will send her a box sometime soon so, most likely I’ll send it on Monday so that I don't freeze so much.

Another thing, PLEASE send my Amy's new address, I really really want to write Willy a letter but can't bc I don't have his address. Plus, you’ve never let me know what Great Grandma's address is either, so if you could dear elder that to me, that'd be awesome.

Pretty much my whole district is stoked to be leaving the MTC. We love it and all pero we want to be in the mission field more. Tell Elder Kim thanks for the advice, even though you couldn't remember it, I’m sure it was good. K, I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH and I’m so super excited to call you next week! You may also receive an email but I’m not really sure about timing and all that jazz. I always love to hear about your life and OHHHH YEAH! I need Jessica and Melanie's phone numbers, seeing as I don't have them memorized. Yea, send those also in that sweet dear elder that has addresses. Hmm, I’m not sure if I need anything else but if I have time I’ll email more. I love you; tell me what you've been up to.

LOVE, B to the Wells

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