Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fast Sunday- January 4, 2010

This week has been a major roller coaster. After our Tuesday devotional we were in our class room doing the typical district devotional review when Brother Trapneil came in and told us that our Branch President’s wife died this past Monday. We're all really sad because the Branch Presidency’s wives are like moms to us. They normally come to check on us once a week and we all get really close to them, so that’s been hard.

Random switch, but on to what else we've been up to. Last week, Monday, my district got to clean the temple again and it was so good! Hna. Karl and I were the altar crew, meaning we cleaned all of the altars in the sealing rooms and that was fantastic. We enjoyed it more than cleaning lockers.

I heard rumor that it was New Year’s this past week. HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Sisters next door (in our residence hall) invited us over to their room and we counted down to ten o'clock. We shot off a popper, drank some Martinellies and just pretended it was New Year’s. Other than that, it’s just weird to think that it's 2010 already and I won't see any of you at all this year! Crazy weird!

One of my teachers, Hno. Goodman, has been out of town for the past two weeks due to the holidays, so we've been having lots of subs for him. One of them is Hno. Stocking and he is amazing. He taught us a lot about pronunciation in the Spanish language and is so funny (he looks like Bobby Lee from MadTV, and I’m not just saying that because he's Korean) and really spiritual. He's a fantastic pianist and while on his mish (mission) he made a music program that was all about the Restoration and he performed it for my district this week. It was amazing and we all felt the Spirit really strong.

We had fast Sunday, and it just flew by. My companionship fasted to know what to teach Mary (she's this woman that Hna Stout calls every week and talks to about the gospel while we're in the RC). It was pretty much just a good Sunday, and we got to see Mama J and that always lifts our spirits. I'll take a picture of Mama J and us and send it to you before I leave.

Alright family, I haven't really heard much from you this week. How was your raging New Year’s party?! How have the first 4 days of the New Year been? Random fact for you, but in 3 days I get my travel plans! I’m freaking out over here with excitement, so next email I tell you all about when to expect a call from me! and where I’ll be flying from and all about crazy long layovers. Tell me all about all of your lives.

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