Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leaving, on a midnight plane to El Salvador- January 18, 2010

So, my plane doesn't actually leave at midnight, but I'm guessing the one from LAX to EL Sal at 11:55 is close enough. I'm soooo excited that I'll be getting to talk to you today! Pero, I'm still going to write to you seeing as I love you so much. Hm. Today has been hectic seeing as I cannot finish packing until I wash my clothes, so I’m waiting on that. Yesterday we had to say goodbye to our Elders because they left this morning at 8, so we'll not see them again until they get back from their missions...if even then. Oh, random question could you let me know what my blog address is? Mama J was wanting to keep in touch and that is a good way for her to know what I’m up to. Nothing super eventful has happened other than saying goodbye to all of the wonderful people that I have met here at the MTC. I'm sad to be going because there is such a wonderful feeling and spirit here. When else can you be completely cut off from the world and feel the Holy Ghost so much. While here my testimony has grown so much. I know that my Savior lives and that he has done everything for me. That through the Atonement all of my sins can be forgiven and that the Savior knows exactly what I am going through all the time. When I feel inadequate and like giving up, I know that the if I turn to the Lord that he will help me through whatever I'm going through. That is why I'm out here, is to help other people gain that faith in Christ and to help them come closer to him. I know that these things are true.

I'm so nervous to be leaving the country for the first time (well, I guess I did go to Canada once, but it’s not really that different from the US) So I guess it’s the first time I’m going to a far away, majorly different country. But all will be well. I've met some of the Elders who are going to be in my travel group and they seem to be super cool and nice, and all of the Elders here look out for the Hermanas, so I'll be safe. Oh, update me one the news every once in a while. I hear that there was an attempted plane crash/bomb over Christmas in Detroit, what’s up with that? And why didn't anyone tell me about it? I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY, VERY MUCH AND CAN'T WAIT TO TALK TO YOU TODAY!
Love, Brea

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