Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh the MTC!

So if you were counting the days until I got sick then you can stop counting. The Elders in my district got sick and passed it onto me. I went to the health clinic this morning and they pretty much said its no biggy, I just need to take some stuff to cure the symptoms. They flu tested me and I don't have the flu. So that was all I did this morning and stayed in my room all day yesterday and slept. But other than that this week has been pretty great.

For our Tuesday devotional Elder Dallin H. Oaks came and spoke to us about being good missionaries. Then on Thanksgiving Elder Holland came and gave an amazing talk, answered some questions that people had had. We had some turkey and potatoes and deliciousness for lunch and then a sack dinner, so that the cooks could have some time off for their families. The funniest thing though was at the evening fireside they had it so missionaries could go up to a microphone and say things that they were grateful for. Oh goodness, some people should not have been allowed to talk. Hna. Stout and I played "what I’m thankful for" bingo, so that kept us awake and attentive. She won.

They keep us really busy in here. Pretty much all we do all day long is sit in class and eat, and for an hour every day we exercise. Shucks, I forgot to bring the letter that had the questions on it. We came to the computers right after going to the health clinic. Hm, but I'm not really sure what else to say.

The MTC is hard work, you have to be very self motivated to learn the language, but it’s also so fantastic. I've been looking for Elder Knudsen for the past few days and can't find him. He might have a different breakfast/lunch/dinner time than me. And it might be that there are about 2400 missionaries at the MTC right now, half of them learning Spanish. I can't remember how many branches there are here (yes, we are in branches, not wards. But I think our branches are a big as wards).

I really don't know what else to say, nothing super exciting goes on, just classes. The best days are Sunday and Monday. Sunday because we have church and get to walk around the Temple, and Monday because we actually get to go to the Temple, and get to do our laundry.

SO, how is the homestead? Is mama better yet, or does she still have a cough? How's my Andra-Nicky-Cola doing? Recovered from that Super Saturday yet? How are the seminary students? Let me know what y'all are up to. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!! So very very much. And I missed you all lots this week, but Elder Holland was saying that he hopes that we are homesick this holiday, because we're where we are supposed to be, on our missions.

The questions the Hermana Breanna refers to at the end are some that I had sent in an earlier email. They were meant to help her send informative letters. Often when we write letters or such, we don't write of things that may be common place to us, but which may be of interest to those who care about us. At least, that's the case when I write letters. Here are the questions we had sent her:

1. How are you? How was your week?
2. How was your Thanksgiving Day? Did you get turkey?
3. What are the top five people/ things/ or events that you are thankful for this week?
4. Please tell us about your teachers.
5. Do you know yet when you’ll be leaving the Provo MTC?

She answered most of the questions in the course of her email. We had heard a rumor that she would be leaving December 7th and were hoping for confirmation.

Dear readers, do you have any questions you would like Hermana Breanna to answer for you? Enter them as comments or send them in an email and I will email them to her. I think that emailing them may be better because she will have ready access to them as she writes her weekly email. Whereas, a hardcopy letter can be left in the room, etc.

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