Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First letter!

We received our first letter (email) from Hermana Breanna on her P-day, Monday, November 23. P-day stands for "Preparation day". A day for missionaries to take care of personal chores such as shopping and laundry.

Hola mi padres (my parents)

I am at the MTC and it is amazing! These last few days have been super busy and hard and it’s been so difficult to stay awake but they've been glorious! There were 12 people in my district but then one of the Hna.s and one of the Elders moved up to intermediate Spanish so that left us with 7 Elders and 3 Hermanas, so I was originally in a regular companionship but now am in a trio. My first companion is Hna. Stout and she is from Idaho and is super amazing and really, really funny. We decided that we're going to make an MTC musical and it will be spectacular. My other companion is Hna. Karl and she is also from Idaho. She's really quiet but is cool and smart.

The Elders in my district are funny and really weird but whatcha gunna do? they make our classes more fun and life crazier. One of them knows Stephanie Rhodes which is really crazy. Oh, and I found out that Hna. Stout's great-great-great-grandfather was a body guard for Joseph Smith so we decided that our great-great-great-grandfathers were friends.

Our Sacrament meeting is super amazing. Everyone has to write a 5 minute talk in Spanish and then the Branch Pres will pick two people to give their talks. We pray, sing and say the sacrament prayers in Spanish. We've already learned how to pray and how to bear our testimony en Espanol.

So, when I got my card that tells the estimated departure it said Dec. 7, and everyone keeps telling the Hna.s that we're leaving in three weeks, so I don't know when we're leaving. So we're planning on hopping over to the travel office some time to see if they know when we're leaving.

I love you all soooo much, and can't wait to hear from you!
Love, Hna. Wells

I used Babelfish on-line translation service to translate our response to Breanna's letter into Spanish. Then I sent both the Spanish and English versions via Dear Elder. hee-hee. She'll love it!

Incidentally, the day of Brea's first letter was her great-grandmother's birthday. She turned 97! She worked in the garden for exercise in the morning. Those pesky crows are after her pecans. She went to lunch with my cousin and her husband. Then in the afternoon, she worked in the yard again. She had a great day. We're planning her 100th birthday celebration. Brea will be home in time for that.


  1. You can delete this when you get it but I think you mean "We receive[d] our first letter..." and "preparation" (you put an extra "a").

  2. Great eyes!!! Mom and I both missed the missing "d" in received. Mom asked that I explain what P-day is and I butchered it.
