Monday, December 14, 2009

Candle 4- Restoration of Christ’s Church

Light of the Restoration
From “Preach My Gospel” p. 37
With this priesthood authority, Joseph Smith was directed to organize the Church of Jesus Christ again on the earth. Through him, Jesus Christ called twelve Apostles. The time in which we live is referred to by Bible prophets as the last days, the latter days, or the dispensation of the fulness of times. It is the period of time just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It is the final dispensation. This is why the Church is named The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

A living prophet directs the Church today. This prophet, the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the authorized successor to Joseph Smith. He and the present Apostles trace their authority to Jesus Christ in an unbroken chain of ordinations through Joseph Smith.

Personal Dedication and Missionary Application
Read the following quote from President Monson. What can you do to be more receptive to the spirit so that you can receive the Lord’s guidance?

From New Mission President Seminar, Church News, June 26, 1999
President Monson emphasized that the mission calls to both mission presidents and missionaries are inspired. "Whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies. And when you are on the Lord's errand, you are entitled to the Lord's help,"

President Monson said.
"Ours is the responsibility, not only to direct their feet, but also to effectively climb with them, rung by rung, the ladder to eternal life," he continued. "Help them to be successful, help them to meet people, help them to teach the gospel, help them to convert and to baptize, and to fellowship, and you will see miracles before your very eyes."

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