Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16, 2011- Yo quiero ser un misionara ya!

Yo quiero ser un misionara ya!

May 16, 2011

Hello Wells (and Teeters) Family!
How have all of you been? How is your week going so far? I know, it’s only Monday.

Last Monday we had a great lesson with one of our investigators, Levi, and we invited him to choose a marriage date so we'd have a better idea of when he'll be getting baptized.

On Tuesday we had coordination and then we went tracting and found an awesome new investigator who seems really interested in learning about baptism and how she can have peace and happiness in her life. Her name is Tyesha. We had some other cool lessons on Tues. and we met with Susan (she reminds me of great grandma) and she is going to Indiana until mid to late June so we hope she comes back with a testimony just as strong. Shucks, it stinks when your investigators leave just as they start to make some progress. Then we went and did some more sewing of quilts and I'm starting a new one! It’s going to look great.

Wednesday- We had district meeting in the morning and are working on inviting people to be baptized in our first contact with them. It’s a learning experience. Then we had a really good lesson with Maria about why she doesn't want to be baptized and she just wants more time. We then had lots of fun tracting in Wittmann for the rest of the day.

Thursday- We were able to see Tyesha again, and she'd read like we'd asked her to and she just has lots of questions, which we love. We then had to do weekly planning (somehow that seems to come around somewhat often) and then we were able to visit some more people, mostly less active members.

Friday- We did a LOT of tracting in the morning and tried to find lots of less active members. We also had to drop one of our investigators because he didn't want to change at all. He said he was too old, but no one is too old to change!

Saturday- We went and knocked some more doors and then we had a meeting with the Relief Society President. Then we had some good lessons and found a few people.

Sunday- We went to Ward Council and then we went to church where they all talked about missionary work in Priesthood and Relief Society, and so I'm hoping that more people will get excited about the work in this area. We met with the Bishop and his family and sort of got to know them, since I'd only talked to the Bishop in passing. They're a really nice family. Then we had an appointment with this older guy named Frank, who is just this funny old guy who flirts with everyone. He cracks me up, but we're going to try to get a High Priest to come with us next time.

And today, Monday, we washed the car in the morning and did studies. Then we had appointments from 11-2 and then we went with a member, Jessica, to Surprise and had some fun and Hna. J bought some more colorful shirts since she has a lot of black and white stuff. I'm doing fine on shirts and skirts. I'm getting bored with button ups and layering but what can you do? Mom, I might send you a shirt that I got that is super cute but a little too small for me, but I love the style and material. I'll see what I can do since we're super busy a lot of the time. OK. I love you all so very much and miss you all!


May 9, 2011- I love you best, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

I love you best, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

May 9, 2011

Hello again family! So I just talked to you yesterday and so I feel kinda silly writing to you since I'm not sure what else I have to say. This past week has been crazy and busy trying to take care of my new baby, Hna. Jeanfreau, but things are going really well.

Hna. Jeanfreau and Hna. Wells

Last week: Monday Hna. Ochocinski and I hiked up Vulture Peak (a nearby peak) in the morning before she had to go to the Mission Home. Then I took her to Glendale and stayed with some English speaking Sisters in El Mirage. I was with them until the transfer meeting when I met Hna. Jeanfreau. Then we packed up her things, drove home, and got to work. She was able to place her first Book of Mormon, which was an answer to my prayer on the drive home, since I had no clue how we were going to do that since I hate tracting at night and we didn't get back to Wickenburg until about 7:30pm. We spent the rest of the week tracting and going to a lot of different lessons and studying. We have an extra hour of companionship study 5 days a week.

Yesterday I got to talk to you on the phone!!! And I loved it so much. And then today we've just been preparing for the week, and we had a church tour at 9 which went really well. I'm not sure what else there is to say to you since I talked to y'all yesterday. I'll have more to talk to you about next week when I haven't just told you everything the day before. I'll leave you with some pictures of the hike and one of Hna. Jeanfreau and me. I love you!!!

Hna. Ochocinski and Hna. Wells hiked up Vulture Peak




May 2, 2011- Transfers come again

Transfers come again

May 2, 2011

Hello Family!

Well, I have to make this email short. Here's the transfer news. Hna. Ochocinski is leaving the mission and I'm staying in Wickenburg, and I'm getting a baby! (That's mission lingo for a greenie.) So I'm going to get her tomorrow, so I'm staying with the English [speaking] sisters in El Mirage tonight until transfer meetings tomorrow. Whoo hoo, I'm so excited and super nervous.

I finished the top of my quilt on Tuesday and I'm going to continue to work on it. I'll send you a picture when things get more normal. I'm not sure about anything going on with the phone call home. I think I'll be able to call you, seeing as you don't have my number. We have church from 9-12 and don't get home until around 12:30 (or 3:30 your time) so you don't have to worry about me calling you while you're at church.
K, I have to go since the Sisters already emailed today and they made a special trip to the library for me. I love you!

P.S. I'm so excited to talk to you next week!!!

April 25, 2011- Busy Week...like most weeks are

Busy Week...like most weeks are

April 25, 2011

Hey Family!

First off let me tell you that I love you all very much! Now that I've let you know that, I shall tell you about my week, as I know you are dying to know.

Monday- It was a chill preparation day where we taught some lessons and were missionaries.

Tuesday- It was my Appreciation Day so I opened the package I got from you and I loved it! Thank you so very much for the watch necklace, I love it! Especially since my regular watch wasn't working, but I discovered that it fixed itself and works again! Yeah for two watches! Also on Tuesday we had a Sister's meeting, which was wonderful since we were able to see all of the Sisters in the Mission, but more importantly, we saw all of the Hermanas! In truth, Hermanas are way different than Sisters. It’s kinda weird, but true. We had some lessons in the afternoon and then, in the evening, we went to do some quilting. They helped fix one of my skirts that was too big for me so that I could wear it, since it's super cute. (I got it from another Sister. Don't worry, Mom, the skirts you made me fit me perfectly!) And I also continued to make a quilt. It’s looking awesome and I'll send you a picture of it once it’s done.

Wednesday- We went to Correlation and talked about missionary work. Then we went to the Relief Society luncheon and got to know some of the members of the Ward better. Then we met with the RS President since I didn't really know her, and then we visited a member who lives up in the boondocks.

Thursday- I baked some banana bread in the morning while we did our weekly planning. Then we went to District meeting which is where I took the bread since I was in charge of the refreshments, seeing as we no longer will be having District lunch after the meetings. Then we drove home and went to a surprise party that was held by some members and investigators. Then we went home and studied until the Hermanas from Agua Fria were here, because we were going on exchanges with them. Hna. Ochocinski left and Hna. Okeson stayed here with me.

Friday- Spent the whole day with Hna. Okeson tracting and teaching lessons and just learning from her. Then we drove down to the Agua Fria area and ate dinner at Waldo's Tacos, a great taco stand that feeds missionaries for free. Then Hna. Ochocinski and I drove home.

Saturday- I opened the package that I got from you and was pleasantly surprised to find a dozen chocolate eggs for Easter. Happy Easter to us! We had some plans to do a lot of tracting, but my throat had been sore for about two weeks so I called Sister Beck and she told me to go to Urgent Care (which is pretty much a doctor’s office that's always open). The closest one was in Surprise, so we drove down there and they looked at my throat and told me I did NOT have strep. That I just had some bacteria that was hanging out back there making it sore and red, so they gave me an antibiotic for it and I'm feeling much better now.After having that fun we taught some lessons and re-extended a baptismal date. It was a pretty good day, except we weren't able to get too much done.

Sunday- We went to church, and then ate lunch. Then we went out to Wittmann to find a referral we had received. He was home and he is wonderful and wants to see us again and ask us more questions. Then the program "The Savior of the World" was being broadcast in Spanish, so we went to the church building with a bunch of our investigators and we watched that. Then we came home and did our morning studies. And today we're going to go party it up in Surprise at a District P-day activity, which should be lots of fun.

How are things in Mich? Still snowy? How is Washington? My companion is going to be there in about a week! Next week I'll be able to tell you if I'm staying here in Wickenburg, and if I'm training. Crazy. We've heard that four Hermana's are going to be coming in this transfer, so almost everyone will be training. I love you all so very much!


April 18, 2011- The Hills are alive, with the sound of music! That’s the first phrase that came into my mind...

The Hills are alive, with the sound of music! That’s the first phrase that came into my mind...

April 18, 2011

Dear Wells people (and Teeters),
How have you all been doing? I shall update you on my weekly events! Last Monday I forgot that I had put my watch in my cargo pants pocket when we were painting a house and then I washed those pants. Needless to say, my watch has died. Sad, I know, but I'm living without it. It just means that I won't have a watch tan line when I get home.

Tuesday- we did a lot of contacting, which we've been doing a lot more since we're trying to find some more investigators. That evening we went to the quilting club thing and I started to make a quilt. Hna Ocho finished her first quilt ever! She was so excited and this week she gets to make the sandwich and continue with it. It’s the first thing she's ever sewn so she's super excited. That evening I started to feel sorta sick, like a cold / flu so I went to bed, and decided to just get sick instead of keeping on fighting it off.

Wednesday- We went to Zone Conference and it was wonderful! We got a ride from Brother and Sister Lyon who will be starting to work in the mission office on June 1. We talked a lot about giving church tours, or showing investigators around the church before Sunday so they'll feel comfortable later on in the week. Then I received a blessing from my District Leader since I wasn't feeling too good, and it was a great blessing.  When we got home I slept and have been working on feeling better. All things are in the Lord's time.

Thursday- I was still feeling kinda sick, so I slept for most of the afternoon and then we visited a few people and had some great lessons.

Friday- We had a fantastic District Meeting in Wickenburg and it was amazing. Elder Bell said he'd been thinking about that District meeting since he found out he was going to be our District Leader. We talked about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis and how they made covenants with the Lord, and how we need to consecrate our time here on the Mission. It was a really amazing lesson.

Saturday- We had been planning to go to the Easter Pageant, but all of our progressing Investigators couldn't make in so we were unable to go. (We found out later that since we had potential investigators and recent converts that we could have gone. Oh well.) So instead, we tracted and did our weekly planning that we'd missed due to me sleeping all that day.

Sunday- We went to church, and then checked up on some people that we hadn't seen in a while to see if they're alright and if they're still interested in learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then the day was done, so we came home and did numbers and planned for today. Being a missionary is so much fun. They told us some dates for meetings this week and then ended up changing most of them since they tried to have everything on the same day. Silly APs. First we had exchanges on Tuesday, but now we have a Sister's meeting on that day so exchanges are now on Friday. And then they tried to have a Zone Conference on Tuesday, but since there are quite a few Sisters in this zone they had to postpone that. Ha-ha Elders.

Mom, quick question. Do you know someone named Tammie Dorsey? She might have been in your Ward when you were about 10-14? She's a member out here and she was living in Farmington, NM at about that time in her life, and she says that there were a lot of Knudsens out there and that a Nancy Knudsen sounds very familiar to her. Her sister's name is Debbie Dorsey, if you know her. Haha, that would be so funny. Ok, I love you all so much and will write you next week!
