Monday, March 1, 2010

¡Cambios! ("Transfers!", literally "Changes!")

Sister Wells and her missionary companion, Sister Torres

So today we had changes (transfers) and I´ve been in my new area with my companion for maybe an hour now. Let me tell you more. This morning we finished packing and we took all of our belongings to the Stake Center, and then around 2:30 the bus full of missionaries that were getting transferred today pulled up and we got on and had to say goodbye to Hna. Nidia, that was really sad. There was Hna Torres, myself and one other sister on the bus. We drove around and then pulled up to the church that has the Distribution Center in it and Elder Brotherson called off the names of the people who needed to get off of the bus, and Hna Torres and I were two of them. We are staying companions but we´re opening a new area here in Lyico....that spelling is for sure up for dispute and I have no clue how its spelled yet, or the name of our specific area. So, that’s what’s been happening today, but I’ll find out more and tell you more about my area next week, you know, once I’ve actually visited it.

So this last Tuesday we went and did service in the morning and that was completely fun! We went with our whole zone and we walked there from the chapel, and that took 40 minutes. Once there we helped demolish part of the house even though there was still a bunch of stuff inside but the man told us to tear it down. Then on Thursday we had interviews with Presidente Pérez and that took a really long time, but was good. He talked to me about the 2000 stripling warriors and how their mothers taught them a lot of really good things and even though I’m not a mother now...something about that, I didn’t really understand. Ha-ha, but then he talked to me about how life is one day at a time and so is this mission; that I have to take it one day at a time. Saturday was completely fantastic!! We went to the church and helped the YW YM with their service activity which was picking up the trash on the street where their church is, and it really needed it. From that I got a sweet sunburn but it was gone by Sunday. Also, the most important part of Saturday, one of our investigators got baptized! It was a mass baptism because we had Stake Conference and right before there was the priesthood session and right after was the adult session, so there were five baptisms in all. On Sunday we had Stake Conference, and it was broadcast from Salt Lake, and we heard from Elder Costa from the Seventy, Sister Cook from the YW Presidency, Elder Christopherson from the Quorum of the Twelve, and President Eyring from the First Presidency. The talks were pretty good...from what I could understand. Then everyone who had been baptized on Saturday was confirmed members.

A note about packages. This is what I’ve learned from talking to some of the Elders. Unless you put stickers of the Virgin Mary and or Jesus Christ on the package, it takes it about a month or two to get here. IF stickers are used then it takes about 2-3 weeks. This is just what I’ve been told. Mail on the other hand doesn´t take that long, about two weeks. PLUS has it so that you can mail me a letter through pouchmail for FREE. ITs true, and it doesn´t take very long to get here, I’ve already gotten two letters that way. So, just so you know.

Anyway, not much else has happened this week..but it’s been pretty eventful. I love you all soo much and love love love hearing all about your lives. How are the snow and the cold? Sometimes I wish I had some coolness, but I’m getting used to it being 90 outside and think its chilly when its 70. How is Washington and Utah? How is school and work? And what in the world is Andra up to?!? I never hear from her or about her!
I love you,

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