Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gringa in El Salvador

My darling family, how I love you!! Last week after I wrote to you we ate Mexican food and everyone got a burrito, except me. I got a gringa and everyone thought that was hilarious seeing as I’m the only gringa in our zone. It’s all good and was amazing tasting! It was pretty much what we call a quesadilla, but like 10 times better.

OHhh also, I got your package last week about 10 or 20 mins after I finished writing you. The socks work great, and the sweethearts tasted ridiculous like always. Also, yes I did get a letter from Lauren, the only problem is we don´t have a post office in our area and we´re not sure where the closest one is, so I’m working on finding that.

This week was more of knocking doors and the members here are fantastic! They´re really willing to go to lessons with us and give us references and feed us. They´re awesome, so hint hint that's what missionaries need. Members who are willing to go with them to appointments with investigators and food.
On Thursday Papi Perez came to our zone meeting and talked to us about...something, I can´t really remember. The importence of lecciones para encontrar I think. Then on Saturday we had a random emergency zone meeting where the zone leaders talked to us about how we don't have any baptisms yet for this month (at the end of the day the zone had 2 for the month) and how that is not acceptable and how we need to be doing better. We talked about all of our investigator and what we should do to help them and all that jazz. Most of this zone is new to the area and that's because, I think, there haven´t been as many baptisms as they want for here.

Sunday was good and one of our investigators came and he seems really great. Today, Hermana Torres had to go to immigration and make sure she still legal for this country, which she is. That took up the morning and now here writing to you! I love you all so very much, and Andra, thanks for the letter! I absolutely loved it! You all need to know that I love this gospel and this why I’m here. Because I know that this is the only true church on the earth and that through Jesus Christ we are able to live with our families forever if we´re willing to follow his example and live the commandments he has given us. I love you all so much, I’m praying super hard for all of you!
Love, Brea

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